5 telescopes we will use to view space in the coming years
  • Scientists are preparing for a new era in astronomy. After being launched into space James Webb Space TelescopeHe has a chance to make miraculous discoveries, because they never stop working on other amazing discoveries telescopes.
  • Because it may soon help us find answers to the most important questions about Universewe give a brief description of the most important projects they are currently working on and remind you of the task they are doing Outer Space already mentioned James Webb Space Telescope.

James Webb Space Telescope It was launched into space on December 25, 2021 to help scientists better study the moving bodies of the solar system and unravel the greatest mysteries of the distant universe.

it is known that One of the missions NASA wants to use James Webb Space TelescopeTo study the rings of Saturn and its moon Titan. Her remaining tasks include analyzing the Martian atmosphere and observing objects in the Kuiper Belt.

Present telescope It was also sent into space to take a deeper look at Jupiter’s moon Europa, which has long intrigued researchers because there is likely to be simple life there. The telescope’s exploration of Europa promises to yield valuable insights on the space ecosystem, advancing our understanding of the potential existence of extraterrestrial life.

In addition, scientists have a silent hope for it James Webb Space Telescope It will bring them closer to solving one of the greatest mysteries of astronomy, namely that How Galaxies appeared from the dark beginning of time. 

TMT, ie Thirty meters telescope It was so named because of its ridiculously large main mirror, which, as you can imagine, is supposed to have a diameter of about thirty meters.

The project, which is expected to be completed by 2027, is likely to be delayed a bit due to Protesting its construction in Hawaii. However, it is worth being patient, because the sharpness of the images from the aforementioned telescope will be up to 12 times better than in the case of the famous telescope Hubble telescope.

Thirty meters telescope Its purpose is to take a look at some of the oldest sources of light in space and to study early physics Universemaking it easier for astrophysicists to understand dark matter.

Giant Magellan Telescope It is an optical infrared telescope, which is expected to be completed in 2029 in the Chilean Atacama Desert. Then it will also be possible to deepen the study of exoplanets and the possible biosignatures in their atmosphere.

Away from this Giant Magellan Telescope It is also expected to help astronomers better analyze gravitational waves and planetary systems.

Concept very large telescope In the Atacama Desert in Chile, even pierce the aforementioned thirty-meter telescope, because in this case we are dealing with 39m diameter mirror.

This project is expected to be completed by 2027 and will become the largest project in the world at that time telescope Visible and infrared light, which will focus 100 million times more light than the average concentration of the human eye.

very large telescope It is expected to study exoplanets and black holes, but it will also analyze the evolution of galaxies.

Last but not least, the telescope on our list is telescope LLSTThis is it Surveying the legacy of space and time At the Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile. This equipment will feature a huge digital giant with a resolution of 3.2 billion pixels, thanks to which it will collect up to 15 terabytes of data every night.

Astronomers are particularly interested in obtaining detailed information about the position, shape, and color of objects in the universe. Survey of the heritage of place and time It will also enable scientists to create stop-motion animations of the visible universe with unprecedented accuracy. the exams telescope They are due to start in 2023 at the latest.


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