5 Things You Need to Know About Borderlands in 2021

Militarized corporations exploit a group of planets at the edge of the galaxy in the violent Borderlands, a cult known as The Children of the Vault. It is spreading like a plague, and so is the hype for all the Borderlands-related news. So be up to date and save the galaxy.

Tiny Tina is About to Take Over

Tiny Tina is the main character in the newly released Borderland spin-off, which many of the game’s fans could enjoy. With many exciting features, fantastic animation, and an exciting plot, it offers excellent enjoyment and guarantees a lot of good fun.

This fantasy-fueled adventure game is coming next year, and will be available for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

Cross-play and Increased Level Cap in the New Borderlands 3

The great news is that in Borderland 3, cross-play is allowed for all users. Plus, there has been an increase in the level cap. In addition, while in Borderlands 2, a character could have run a fictional RPG for others with a DLC, today, there is an actual tabletop RPG.

Remember the slot machines that got introduced in Borderlands 2? Well, in the new edition of Borderland 3, slot machines have a similar purpose as they can give you a range of valuable items and offer good chances for better loot. Very similar concept seen in the Bioshock series. Of course, it’s not that jam-packed as some games like on the online casino Canada real money websites, but you’re here to play an RPG. Although, since the slots found their way into the game, it has been way more exciting. In addition, the online slots have made many users more passionate about the game itself. These machines can drop all kinds of weapons, and even a live grenade, depending on the game’s result (inside a game).

Several Developers Have Left Gearbox

Earlier this year, seven senior developers of Gearbox Entertainment have left the company to work on another game project. Senior producer Christopher Brock, art director Scott Kester, game feel director Chris Strasz, lead mission designer Keith Schuler, lead character artist Kevin Penrod and creative director Paul Sage, have all left the Gearbox at the same time.

However, their departure shouldn’t mean anything negative for the company or the future of Borderlands. Some younger generations are taking over. It could be interesting to continue following the work of these developers and see what new perspectives will bring to the future of gaming.

Bunkers & Badasses are Now a Real Thing

2021 will be in the books for many things coming to life, amongst others, the tabletop roleplaying game based on the Gearbox’s Borderlands series. Bunkers & Badasses is a game within a game that has just become a different game.

Bunkers & Badasses got released as an actual tabletop RPG. The 200-page gamebook has in-universe commentary from Tiny Tina, as well as three exciting adventures to play.

Interestingly, Bunkers & Badasses got made by Nerdvana Games, the same company that released the TinyTina-themed card game last year.

There is a Borderlands Movie Lined Up

On his Twitter account, Gearbox president Randy Pitchford recently announced that the shooting of the Borderlands-themed movie is close to the final stage, and the post-production is coming up.

The eagerly awaited movie directed by Eli Roth will cast Cate Blanchett as Lilith, Jamie Lee Curtis as Patricia Tannis, Ariana Greenblatt as Tiny Tina, Jack Black as Claptrap, Florian Munteanu as Kreig, Kevin Hart as Roland, and Edgar Ramirez as Atlas.

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