Jagiellonia Biaystok found a successor to Mamrut.  Media: The great return of Polish football

Ireneos Mamrot led the team Jagiellonia Bialystok Since the beginning of this season. His second term was in Bialystok. During it, his average was poor – in 20 matches he scored only 1.2 points per game. Previously, he worked at this club in 2017-2019. At the time his average in 108 games was 1.63 points.

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It was a real surprise not only for the coach himself. A few days before the announcement, President Jagiellonia Białystok Report that Ireneos Mamrut may be quiet about his job. Meanwhile, shortly after his dismissal, the media reported that the club’s management already had several candidates for his position.

Jagiellonia Białystok Piotr Nowak will attend. Not all club leaders need to know that.

Peter Nowakex coach Lycia Gdańsk is the most serious candidate” – told the journalist from Przegląd Sportowy, adding that “in the face of recent events, not all club management needs to know this. ”

Jagiellonia is disappointing this season. in a Premier League After the nineteenth rounds, he only finished eleventh league (six victories, one draw, and seven defeats each). He has seventeen points behind the leader why Poznan.

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Peter Nowak has been without a club since 2018. Previously, he also captained the US national youth team, Philadelphia Union and DC United with MLS. In his career, he won the United States Championship with DC United. in a Premier League He did not manage to win the Polish championship or cup. He managed Lycia in 2016-2017.

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