The war in Ukraine.  Olena Zelenska wrote an open letter to the media

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Olena Zelenska published an open letter to representatives of all media of the world. “Recently, a large number of media outlets from all over the world have requested interviews. This letter is my response to these requests and it is my testimony from Ukraine,” he asserts.

“What happened a little more than a week ago was incredible. Our country was peaceful; our cities, towns and villages were full of life” – describes Zelenska. She explained that despite Russian propaganda describing the war as a “military operation”, “mass killings of Ukrainian civilians” were taking place in her country.

Zelenska draws attention primarily to the tragic situation of children. “Perhaps the most terrifying and devastating of this invasion are the children’s victims. Eight-year-old Alice, who died on the streets of Oshtyrka when her grandfather tried to protect her. Or Polina from Kyiv, who died in the bombing with her parents. 14-year-old Arseny was shot in the head Through the wreckage and could not be saved, because the ambulance could not reach him on time due to the severe fires,” he adds, then adds: “When Russia says that it is “not at war with civilians,” first I name the names of these murdered children. “.

“The first born of war saw the concrete ceiling of the basement, his first breath was the stinging air underground and they were greeted by the imprisoned and horrified society. At this point, there are dozens of children who have never known peace in their lives”- he writes.

The war in Ukraine. Zelenska appeals to the media. “Every clue is a key”

Ołena Zelenska also appealed to the media. “I appeal to you, dear media: keep showing what is happening here and keep showing the truth. In the information war waged by the Russian Federation, every clue counts,” she wrote.

“With this message, I bear witness and tell the world: the war in Ukraine is not a war” somewhere out there, she asserted. It is a war in Europe, near the borders of the Union.” “If we do not stop Putin, who is threatening nuclear war, there will be no safe place on Earth for any of us. We will win. Thanks to our unity.”

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