Studies in 2022. Psychology, Artificial Intelligence and Other News at Lublin Universities

Lublin University of Technology

From the next academic year, Lublin University of Technology students will be able to gain professional competencies in the fundamentals of design, production and operation of modern cars and light aircraft as well as component selection and assembly.

All this is offered to them by the newly created field of vehicle engineering. The first stage studies will be conducted with the general academic profile in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Graduates will be prepared to participate in the implementation of research and development and the implementation of their results. Especially in the field of modern solutions in vehicle engineering, as well as supervising the operation of vehicles.

The field of study provides students with the opportunity to work in many jobs, including. Such as: builder, designer, technician, system integrator, test engineer, technical service engineer, sales engineer (technical consultant) and service consultant. The University of Technology assures that graduates after graduation can find employment in automobile manufacturers that deal, among other things, the production of components and auto parts, the sale of vehicles and the servicing of vehicles, as well as in the aerospace industry. Their competencies also allow them to take up professional work in design offices.

John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin

KUL from the new academic year, as the third university in Poland, will launch the Artificial Intelligence course. Classes will focus on practical programming skills related to AI applications.

36 people will be able to conduct new studies in the field of artificial intelligence. The course aims to prepare graduates to work as programmers and specialists in the design of intelligent systems, as well as to assess their usefulness. Graduates will acquire very specific professional competencies, thanks to which they will be able to, inter alia, create simple and complex computer programs for solving problems related to artificial intelligence (AI). They will also gain analytical and technological competencies such as programming in the Python scripting language and the R language.

According to the course authors, studies in the field of Synthetics will provide students with the ability to use specialized programming tools in the field of thinking automation, knowledge representation, machine learning and natural language processing.

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