Unofficial: Facebook and Apple hacker scam.  They used law enforcement emails.  data leak

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comp an Apple And Meta (owner of Facebook and Instagram) in mid-2021 provided data on specific users pirates – Know Bloomberg unofficially, referring to the accounts of three informants close to the case. All because of a clever idea used by criminals.

Hackers were impersonating law enforcement agencies

According to the news agency, the criminals used the email addresses of US law enforcement agencies and sent requests for data to Meta and Apple with their help. Both giants fulfilled the obligation and provided the fraudsters with home data, phone numbers, and IP addresses of specific customers. However, it is not known how many people we are talking about.

According to the agency, the scam was successful because the hackers sent the companies a forged document containing an “urgent request for data disclosure.” They are used only in urgent cases, as security services usually have to wait for court approval. same Implementation Snap Inc. It was also due to receive (owner of Snapchat) but it is not known if he provided any data.

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Security experts link the incident to the cybercriminal group $ Lapsus, which has targeted the company in recent days shed Modern technologies have also launched attacks such asat. For Nvidia, Microsoft and Samsung. London police believe the leader of the group may be a 16-year-old Briton. Recently, the police arrested a number of potential members of the organization.

Meta and Apple, in response to Bloomberg’s questions, confirmed that they meticulously check requests for compliance with law and detect fraud. The first company added that it was blocking “known compromised accounts” responsible for making certain requests and was working with law enforcement to better detect potential fraudulent requests for data.

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