Fuel prices in Poland, after Hungary, are the lowest in the European Union

“Orlen’s profit in the first quarter is a record 2.8 billion PLN. Did Daniil Obajtek thank the Polish drivers for their generosity?” A Civic Platform spokesperson wrote on Twitter, noting that such a huge profit is the effect of draining the pockets of drivers who have to pay higher and higher prices per liter of fuel.

In response, PKN Orlen’s press office cited graphs showing fuel prices in individual European countries. “Although current macroeconomic conditions apply to all countries, fuel prices in Poland (next to Hungary) are certainly the lowest in the entire European Union and are significantly lower than in countries of similar wealth. Sales at Polish stations account for only 10% of profits. Of the whole anxiety ”- notes Orlin.


How much is a liter of gasoline and how many liters of diesel fuel?

The attached graphs show that in Poland you have to pay 6.46 PLN for a liter of Pb95 gasoline, while in the European Union it is only cheaper in Hungary (equivalent to 5.99 PLN per liter). In Bulgaria, the price of a liter of gasoline is 6.93 PLN, in Slovenia – 6.96 PLN, in Romania – 7.24 PLN, and in Croatia – 7.24 PLN. It is the most expensive in Norway (PLN 10.43), the Netherlands (PLN 10.20) and Denmark (PLN 10.01).

Similar data apply to diesel fuel. According to the statement provided by Orlen, we will pay 7.13 PLN per liter of diesel in Poland. The same price as a liter of diesel at Slovenian stations. It is cheaper only in Hungary, where the price of a liter of diesel oil is 5.99 PLN. In Bulgaria, the price of a liter of diesel oil is 7.29 PLN, in Croatia and Lithuania – 7.77 PLN, in Slovakia – 7.84 PLN, and in Romania – 7.94 PLN. You have to pay the most per liter of diesel fuel in Sweden (11.19 zlotys), Norway (10.35 zlotys) and Finland (10.07 PLN).

Read also:
“Propaganda cannot heat homes.” Pawlak on the accusations of Poland Solidarity
Read also:
PSL leader: He who pays for gas in rubles cannot call himself Poland’s ally

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