Diocese administration studies began.  “fit with global trends”

“Unique educational offer”, which, according to representatives of the University of Economics in Katowice, is a postgraduate degree in diocese administration, is new in the offer of the university. Studies last two semesters and cost 4000 PLN. zloty. It is addressed to priests, future and current parish priests, members of pastoral councils, as well as people who wish to acquire “specialized competencies and skills in this field”.

Lessons in, among others, the psychological and social aspects of parish behavior, parish marketing activities, parish image formation and its public relations, social media, fundraising and parish estate management.

Although the University of Katowice has an “economic” rather than a “Catholic” name, its spokesperson convinces – and is hard to refuse – that parishes need specialists.

Like all organizations, parishes also need specialists. And where are these competencies expanded, if not in an economic university? – Comments by Ont Marek Kishka, spokesman for the University of Economics.

The course is a response to the demand for knowledge in the field of economics, management and finance. Similar is already carried out abroad, incl. in the United States or in Italy. Thus, these studies are in line with international trends – she adds.

These are related, for example, to the state of the Church. In Italy, for example, there has been a shortage of priests for years. One priest happens to be in charge of several parishes and cannot handle administrative matters without the help of lay workers. In Poland, despite the constant decrease in the number of professions, there is no such problem.

Diocesan administration studies, however, are not new in Poland. At the beginning of the last decade, he experimented with similar directions, for example the Wroclaw University of Economics, the University of Silesia, the Rzeszow University of Technology and the University of Warsaw. Universities and theological colleges have prepared or are still preparing to administer the parish, incl. The Catholic University of Lublin and the Department of Orthodox Theology at Białystok University.

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