Can molecular switches work at room temperature?  Technology breakthrough is coming

Can molecular switches work at room temperature? So far, it seemed impossible, but the discovery by Australian scientists could lead to a real technological revolution in many industries. Are we ready for this?

Researchers from the University of Queensland They solved a problem that has plagued chemists and physicists for years. Thanks to quantum mechanics, a way has been found to make molecular switches work at room temperature.

Switches are materials that can switch between two or more states such as on and off or 0 and 1. They form the basis of all digital technologies. This discovery paves the way for the development of smaller, more efficient and energy-saving technologies. You can expect batteries to last longer and computers to run faster.a. Ben Powell from the University of Queensland

So far, molecular switches can only operate at extremely low temperatures, below -250AroundThis is clearly a big problem, because it prevents keys from being used in many everyday technologies, including . Smartphones or computers.

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a. Powell set out to devise something like a “recipe” for turning low-temperature molecular switches into room-temperature switches. He described step by step what needs to be done to do it.

By following this detailed “recipe,” chemists should be able to make the molecular switches work at room temperature. This will open the door to many advanced technologies, such as improved MRI machines, that could contribute to better cancer detection.a. Ben Powell

These new materials can be used in various types of sensors and sensors, for example to capture carbon dioxide. They can drive the hydrogen car industry as well as widely understood robotics. The range of possibilities seems endless.

All of these applications require materials that can be exchanged at room temperature or higher, which is why our finding is important. The use of these materials will also reduce the burden on the environment as the power consumption of computers will decrease, which helps in the fight against climate change.a. Ben Powell

A close collaboration between scientists from the University of Queensland and chemists from the University of Sydney and the University of New South Wales to create completely new materials has already been announced. Details can be read Journal of the American Chemical Society.

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