Serena Williams was happy to win Wimbledon.  And then it fell.  tennis shock

After a year without a day, legendary Serena Williams She appeared on the court again as a singles player. The 23-time Grand Slam winner had done so again at Wimbledon, where she suffered a serious groin injury after slipping on grass 364 days ago.

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Williams’ rival Tuesday night Harmony Tan, 24 from France, was unknown to the general public, who in turn made her Wimbledon debut as only the world’s 115th tennis player.

And hardly anyone expected how many troubles the French could cause, the more experienced Serena. Playing tennis very technically and accurately, she managed to resist the great strength of Williams in the first set, spread it on the account and sometimes even led to the passion of the shoemaker.

I started with 2:0 For Tan, but after the next four matches it was 4:2 for Serena Williams, although the vast majority of those matches were very evenly matched and played to her advantage. The American seemed to be on the way to winning the first set, but then Harmony Tan woke up. At first she won the long game at 3-4, then she got to a tie and everything in the first game points to a tie, great. Game In defense of the French, she allowed her to smash Williams to 15, 6:5 and then, after a successful serve game, win the entire first game 7:5.

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The second set started with Williams leading 1-0, followed by an incredible gem on Tan, and it lasted 20 minutes. There were many great actions in it, up to eighteen points, twelve credits and up to seven breaking points for Williams, including the most important one, because it was used up. 40-year-old legend Tennis She broke her competition.

It was a defining moment in the second set, because Serena Williams, with a little crunch beside Tan, ran for the rest of the match like a drum. The French managed to score only one game in it, 5-0 in favor of Williams, but in the next game the experienced American won 6: 1.

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The third group is the amazing roller coaster game. It started with a 1-0 lead on Tan, but after a while it was 3-1 with Serena Williams breaking through. How did the French respond? With three straight wins and a lead of 4:3. In 4:4, the 40-year-old Williams won two chances first to break the opponent with a beautiful short, and then, after a longer procedure, used the second and with great joy raised her hands, although she did not win this match after.

And if Williams thought this was the defining moment in this game, she miscalculated because the amazing tan was back in the game that night. 5-5 equation, Williams broke, then she had the ball The match is at 6:5, but in the end everything was decided by a tiebreaker.

In it, Williams scored the first four points, but Tan again “resurrected” on the field. At first she took the lead 5: 4, then 8: 6 and at 9: 7 she had two identical balls. Balls for a real sensation and the greatest success of his career. The French 24-year-old did not intend to waste it and actually took her first chance to shock every tennis player in London by eliminating the tennis legend from the game.

Harmony Tan won after a thrilling match against Serena Williams 7:5, 1:6, 7:6 (10:7) and advanced to the second round of Wimbledon, where he will face Spain’s Sarah Sorribes Tormo (WTA 45).

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