Stefan Banach on Google Doodle.  One of the greatest mathematicians of the twentieth century

Roger Bacon said:Maths It is the door and the key to science.” Stephan Banach gave the scientist one of the keys, because thanks to him a new department was created – functional analysis. He described theories about contraction and space. together With Tarsky’s unique logic. He was the author of textbooks and academic books.

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Stefan Banach never completed his studies. He was studying himself

In 1902, Stefan Banach began his eight-year education at 4th CK Junior High School in Krakow. Until then, he was interested in the complex theories of functions. In addition, he knew French, German, Esperanto and studied Sanskrit and Hebrew. In the years 1910-1914 he passed only the partial exam, receiving the so-called half-diploma at the Lviv Polytechnic. The first outbreak prevented him from continuing his education war Globalism. He did not finish his studies. He learned a lot of issues himself.

In 1916, he left for Krakow, where he earned his living by giving private lessons. Banach’s life changed when mathematician Hugo Steinhaus heard an excerpt from his conversation with a colleague about the Liebig integral. Enthusiasts became friends, and in 1919 they founded the Mathematical Society.

In 1920, Stephan Banach presented a scientific treatise on operations on abstract sets and their applications to integral equations. Although not a graduate, he received his Ph.D. on this thesis. He is best known worldwide for his book “Théorie des opérations linéaires”. Published in 1932, it is considered one of his most important works.

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His life was interrupted by cancer. lived 53 years

After the occupation of Lviv army Soviet Stefan Banach was a professor at Lviv University and dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. He also lectured at the Lviv Polytechnic Institute. At the request of his friends, he decided to leave town and start working Jagiellonian University. The plans were thwarted by a diagnosis of bronchial cancer. He died on August 31, 1945. He was buried at Łyczakowski cemetery in Lviv.

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