Xbox Series S is accelerating. Microsoft has released additional RAM for use by developers of new games

There is very interesting information about the Xbox Series S reserved RAM management system. Game developers will have additional resources in this category thanks to Microsoft’s actions.

Interesting information appears in Microsoft’s latest video, posted for developers developing games for Xbox Series X | S. told the US company in a video posted on YouTube on August 4 On improving software in the Game Development Kit (GDK)which was introduced on Xbox Series S. Thanks to improvements in the GDK code Microsoft has unlocked hundreds of megabytes of additional RAM on Xbox Series S.Released for new game developers.

More memory available for games

The GDK update frees hundreds of megabytes of additional memory on Xbox Series S for developers to use. This gives developers more control over memory, which can improve graphic performance under a variety of conditions.”

This is not the end of positive changes. Provides Game Development Kit update Also improved the performance of “Graphical Customization”, This “accelerates the speed of assigning default graphics addresses”. Microsoft claims that software improvements will save newly created games “Improvements in memory management without negatively affecting graphic performance.” The information in this case applies not only to the Xbox Series S, but also to the Xbox Series X.

Everything looks great. In particular, the news regarding the release of additional memory resources on Xbox Series S. It should be noted at this point that Microsoft is constantly working to accelerate XSX / XSS consoles in various aspects of their work. For example, recently there was information about the fastest procedure for turning on the consoles. You can read more about it here.

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