The figure records 103 Govt-19 cases and one death, bringing the total to 375,365 and 11,219 deaths since the outbreak began.
• read more: Legalt surveyed Quebecians about compulsory vaccination
• read more: COVID-19 in CHSLD: Thousands of soldiers were paid for doing nothing
• read more: A study to understand why Montreal-Nord is most affected by the epidemic
As of Tuesday, the state had reported 67 infections and no deaths.
Situation in Quebec on July 7, 2021
- 375,365 people affected (+103)
- 11,219 deaths (+1)
- 103 hospitalized (+1)
- 25 in intensive care (-2)
- The samples taken were 17,226 out of a total of 10,903,748
- 106,467 doses administered are added, i.e. 104,751 in the last 24 hours for a total of 8,964,394 doses received in Quebec
- Outside Quebec, a total of 25,327 levels were managed for a total of 8,989,721
Case report by region
- Pass-Saint-Laurent: 3958 (-)
- Sagune – Lock-Saint-Jean: 11 019 (-)
- Capital-National: 32,799 (+3)
- Mauritius-at-Center-to-Quebec: 15 202 (+7)
- Est: 14 907 (+4)
- Montreal: 132 892 (+35)
- Outside: 12 547 (-)
- ABDB-Demis Gaming: 1146 (-)
- North Coast: 576 (+1)
- Nord-to-Quebec: 109 (-)
- Caspe – Magdalen Islands: 2065 (-)
- Saturday-Applause: 19,277 (+2)
- Laval: 31 699 (+23)
- Lanadier: 24 067 (+8)
- Laurentites: 21 004 (+6)
- Montreux: 51 450 (+13)
- Nunavic: 47 (-)
- Terrace-Chris-de-la-By-James: 119 (-)
- Outside Quebec: 478 (+1)
- Area to be determined: 4 (-)
Total: 375,365 confirmed cases
Regional death report
- Pass-Saint-Laurent: 53
- Sagune – Lock-Saint-Jean: 271
- Capitol-National: 1116
- Morrissey-at-Center-to-Quebec: 526
- Estree: 352
- Montreal: 4768
- Outdoors: 215
- APTP-Demiscamming: 9
- North Coast: 4
- Northern Quebec: 0
- Caspian – Magdalen Islands: 46
- Sadier-Appalachians: 358
- Laval: 914
- Lanadier: 517
- Laurentites: 510
- Montreux: 1557
- Nunavic: 0
- Terrace-Chris-de-la-by-James: 3
- Outside Quebec: 0
- Area to be determined: 0
Total: 11,219 deaths
More details to come …
See also
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