Significant rise in the price of wheat in the spectacle.  What are the prices of grain and rape in the beginning of October 2022?

Mutifa wheat is the most expensive since June

Wheat prices on the Paris Matif Exchange rose to their highest level since June. On Friday, September 30, the quotations for the December 2022 contract reached €356.75/ton, i.e. the price of grain increased by €12.5 over the previous week. On the other hand, in the March 2023 contract, prices rose to the level of €355.00 / ton.

Wheat prices remain under pressure Wars in Ukraine and Putin’s moves. The growing tensions that followed the Russian annexation of the occupied territories make the extension of the contract for exporting Ukrainian grain through the Black Sea ports more and more questionable. So far, ships have shipped 5.8 million tons of grain, but nearly three times that are still waiting for export.

Escalation of the conflict is another penalty imposed on Russia, and a possible termination of the agreement under the auspices of the United Nations will significantly limit the export of grain, especially wheat, after the record harvest in Russia – he explains Andrzej Bąk from e-WGT.

The latest one also had an effect on the price hike USDA forecast. They show that this year’s wheat production in the US will be lower than expected.

Grain trade flourished. Higher turnover was recorded Wheat, barley and triticale

In Poland, depending on the region of the country, wheat prices are at the level 1430-1570 zlotys / ton for wheat consumption and 1310-1540 zlotys / ton for feed wheat. This was about 40 PLN over a week ago.

The Grain and Feed Chamber confirms that in recent days the grain trade in the local market has recovered slightly, but it is still difficult to talk about a significant increase in the supply of grain in the market.

– However, in the market Higher turnover was recorded for wheat, barley grain and barley. However, the market is waiting for this year’s corn grain, and the main harvest will begin later than expected – we read in the latest report of the IZP.

Maize grain harvesting began locally in the south, southwest and west of the country.

Snapshots – Prices of some vegetables and fruits are significantly lower. Broken farmers want to liquidate their farms

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The yields achieved are poor, however, because the harvest is related to corn planted in poor soil sites. Grain harvested in the south of the country is characterized by high humidity. In many areas, corn is not yet ripe and the main harvest is unlikely to begin until around October 10. Depending on the region of the country, the offered prices for wet corn (30% moisture) are currently in the range PLN 800-910 / t, DAP with delivery in October / November of this year. – Explains the room.

The Chamber estimates that the increase in grain prices on world stock exchanges, as well as the marked weakening of the zloty against major currencies, and the increase in prices of grain delivered to the ports, contributed to strengthening the prices of grain offered. in the local market.

Data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and KOWR show that The highest consumption of wheat and rye prices are the highest in the Greater Southern Region (Dolnośląskie, Małopolskie, Opolskie, Podkarpackie, Śląskie, Świętokrzyskie voivodeships). On the other hand, corn and fodder barley were the most profitable in the Great North-West region (Kugawsko-Pomorsky, Lubusky, Pomorsky, Wilkopolsky, Zakodniobomorsky).

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– Domestic grain prices depend mainly on the demand for imports from foreign markets. The proximity of import markets is linked to easier access for grain exports from the large northwestern and southern regions through seaports and borders with EU countries, leading to higher prices in these regions, the KOWR report explains.

It should also be noted that the Central Statistical Office estimated the grain harvest in 2022. According to analysts, it will reach 36.0 million tons. That’s about 4 percent. More than last year’s crop.

Rapeseed prices in Matifa are the highest in a month

In the past week, Mativa rape prices have also gone up after significant drops. On Friday, September 30, the November contracts were valued at €633/ton, which is €26.50 more than the previous week.. In general, this is the highest price since the second half of August.

– Rapeseed contracts on the MATIF Stock Exchange hit their highest level in more than a month to compensate for losses since mid-September. Basically, there are no reasons to return quotes to around 700 euros / ton – explains Miroslo Marciniak of InfoGrain.

These increases are affected by Canada’s delayed canola harvest and lower production forecasts. Concerns about disruption to exports from Ukraine are also significant.

On the other hand, in the country, rape is becoming more expensive, among other things in Greater Poland and Pomerania. for example The role of the quiche Pays PLN 2850 per ton of rapeseed.

What will be the prices of wheat, corn and turnip by the end of 2022 and 2023?

Credit Agricole analysts in their latest fall forecast, They do not expect a clear drop in grain prices until the 23/24 season with a possible increase in their global supply.

– We expect wheat and maize prices in Poland to reach around PLN 170/JD and 120 Zloty/JD at the end of 2022, and around PLN 125/JD and PLN 100/JD at the end of 2023, respectively . – We read in the latest market report of Credit Agricole.

On the other hand, the price of rapeseed, according to economists, at the end of 2022 will be about 3700 PLN / ton and about 3,000 PLN / ton at the end of 2023.

We write about wheat and rape prices at the end of 2022 and 2023 in our report: How much will wheat, corn and rapeseed cost? Storage, drying or selling?

What are the prices for grain and rape at collection points in Poland on September 30?

Especially for farmers – TPS readers, we also conducted an editorial survey at selected collection points throughout Poland.

Grain and rape purchase prices at Eleator Koronowo

Here are the grain and rape rates offered by Eleator Koronowo (Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship)

  • Wheat consumption 1450 PLN / ton – (unchanged),
  • Wheat feed PLN 1,310 / ton – (unchanged),
  • Barley 1180 zlotys / ton – (unchanged),
  • Consumption of rye 1130 PLN / t – (unchanged),
  • Rye forage 1000 zlotys / ton – (unchanged),
  • triticale PLN 1200 / t – (unchanged),
  • Rapeseed 2530 zlotys / ton – (unchanged).

In the province, grain prices are unchanged in ód

Farmers at the Młyn Brzeziny collection point in the district. ód counties can count on the following grain prices:

  • wheat consumption – 1450 PLN / ton (unchanged),
  • fodder wheat – 1350 PLN / ton (unchanged),
  • Consumption of rye – 1100 PLN / ton (discount by PLN 50),
  • triticale – PLN 1,200 / ton (unchanged),
  • Barley – 1200 PLN / ton (unchanged),
  • Oats – PLN 1050 / ton (unchanged);

What are the prices for grain and rape in Elewarr Bielsk Podlaski?

In turn, Elewarr Bielsk Podlaski (Podlaskie County) offers the following grain prices:

  • wheat consumption – 1430 PLN / ton (unchanged),
  • common wheat – 1350 PLN / ton (unchanged),
  • fodder wheat – 1300 PLN / ton (unchanged),
  • Rye consumption – 1190 zlotys / ton (unchanged),
  • Rye forage – PLN 1050 / ton (unchanged),
  • Organic rapeseed – 2530 zlotys / ton (unchanged).

Grain prices and rape in Pomerania

At the collection point of Rola Człuchów (Pomorskie Voivodeship), grain prices were as follows:

  • Wheat consumption – 1570 PLN / ton (a plus by PLN 70),
  • Feed wheat – 1470 PLN / ton (a plus by PLN 20),
  • Consumption of rye – 1170 PLN / ton (a plus by PLN 70),
  • Rye fodder – 1120 PLN (a plus by PLN 40),
  • triticale – PLN 1,350 / t (a plus by PLN 50),
  • Barley – 1250 PLN / ton (unchanged),
  • Oats – 1150 PLN (unchanged),
  • sweet lupine – 1600 zlotys / ton (unchanged),
  • rapeseed – 2850 zlotys / ton (a plus by PLN 150).

Grain and rape prices in Greater Poland

For readers of “Tygodnik Poradnik Rolniczego” we have collected prices from two points of purchase in the county. Greater Poland.

Transrol Leszno offered the following prices for purchased and rape pills:

  • Wheat consumption: 1580-1600 zlotys / ton (a plus by PLN 80),
  • Feed wheat: PLN 1,510-1540/ton (a plus by PLN 30-40),
  • Barley: 1230-1260 zlotys / ton (a plus by PLN 20),
  • Rye: 1190-11210 zlotys/ton (a plus by PLN 30-40),
  • triticale: 1350-1380 zlotys/ton (a plus by PLN 40),
  • Dry corn 1410-1430 zlotys / ton (a plus by PLN 80-100),
  • wet corn – 780-800 zlotys / ton (a plus by PLN 20),
  • Rapeseed: 2790-2820 zlotys / ton (a plus by PLN 60-70),
  • Peas: 1620-1640 PLN / t (a plus by PLN 100),
  • Lupine: 1760-1790 zlotys / ton (a plus by PLN 30),
  • Soybeans: 2430-2460 zlotys / ton (a plus by PLN 40-50),
  • Sunflower: 2420-2440 zlotys / ton (discount by PLN 10).

Elewarr Gądki offered farmers the following prices for grain and rape:

  • wheat consumption – 1460 PLN / ton (unchanged),
  • fodder wheat – 1.310 PLN / ton (unchanged),
  • common wheat – 1390 PLN / ton (unchanged),
  • barley for consumption – PLN 1150 / t (unchanged),
  • triticale – PLN 1,200 / ton (unchanged),
  • Consumption of rye – 1150 PLN / ton (unchanged),
  • Rye forage – PLN 1000 / ton (unchanged),
  • Rapeseed – PLN 2530 / t (unchanged).

Prices in PZZ Stoisław remain unchanged

In turn, PZZ Stoisław (West Pomerania Province) offers farmers the following prices:

  • wheat consumption – 1470 PLN / ton (unchanged),
  • fodder wheat – 1320 PLN / ton (unchanged),
  • Consumption of rye – PLN 1120 / ton (unchanged),
  • triticale – PLN 1230 / t (unchanged),
  • Barley – PLN 1180 / ton (unchanged),
  • feed barley: PLN 1130 / ton (unchanged),
  • Oats 1200 zlotys / ton (unchanged),
  • Rapeseed – PLN 2490 / ton (unchanged).

What are the rape prices at Agrolok and other collectors?

Domestic quotations for rapeseed in the October contract according to KZPRiRB dated October 3, 2022. Here, compared to last week, prices increased by about 150-300 PLN / ton.

  • Agrolok Osiek (Różewo) – PLN 3050 / t
  • Belmar – 3000 PLN / ton
  • Komagra (Kosów Lacki) – PLN 3035 / t
  • Mosso (Siedliszcze) – PLN 2650 / ton
  • ZT Bodaczów – Viterra 3015 PLN / vol
  • Agrii Polska – 3050-3080 PLN / ton
  • Osadkowski – PLN 3030 / t
  • Kemerol – zloty 3050 / ton

Camila Szag, photo bracket.

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