PGNiG will terminate contracts with customers.  No more electricity sales.  He explains that “out of concern for customers”

As of January 1, 2023. Retail PGNiG Stop selling electricity to registered household and corporate customers Central register and information on economic activity (CEIDG). We will sell electricity on the same previous terms. Recipients by December 31, 2022 PGNiG in message.

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PGNiG attached to the sale of electricity

PGNiG explains its decision by the extremely difficult situation on the market electricity. Due to the high wholesale price, the company will not be able to make a proper offer next year. President Henrik Mucha explains that the company buys electricity from the Polish Energy Exchange, where market prices are higher than those guaranteed Row.

Therefore, out of concern for the well-being of our existing customers, as a responsible company, we provide the best solutions for them

Mucha explains, citing Business interested.

PGNiG attached sales. What about contracts?

What next for the current contracts? PGNiG states that it will be replaced by contracts with New one Sellers who will ‘guarantee’ exist Client Several times lower than the price that would be offered by PGNiG “Republic”.

PGNiG is assured that the majority of recipients will benefit from Frozen the prices As a maximum and you will not have to take any action in the matter, from 1st January 2023 the electricity will be supplied by the standby supplier or supplier of last resort. This process will take place automatically, while maintaining a continuous supply of electricity.

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PGNiG will continue to sell gas

– The whole process takes place in coordination with the largest companies that sell electricity in Poland including PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna, Enea, Energa or Torun – explains PGNiG, adapted from Business Insider.

It is also possible to choose by yourself the new merchant electricity. As confirmed by PGNiG, this change will be free of charge. At the same time, PGNiG announced that it would continue to provide fuel Gas.

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