Tomasz Bryenes, the star of “Young Wolves,” killed his mother

  • Tomasz Preniasz fulfilled his childhood dream and became an actor. He played in popular series and blockbusters
  • In August 2006, the actor who played Cobra in “Young Wolves” attended his father’s funeral. He decided to stay while completing all the formalities. While living in Wegorzewo, he drank a lot and argued with his mother about the division of property. One of the battles ended tragically
  • The actor was charged with mentally and physically assaulting his mother and beating to death. He was facing 12 years in prison
  • The script was written on the Onet series “Friday Friday”.
  • More such articles can be found on the Onet homepage

Thomas Brineas (aka Tomasz Preniasz-Struś, Tomasz Struś and Tomasz Struś-Preniasz) wanted to become the actor. He fulfilled his dream and played his first roles while still studying in Warsaw PWST. With his diploma in hand, he set out to conquer the Polish business. The beginnings were promising: he took part in the series “Goodbye, Rockefeller”, and got the role of Cobra in the movie. “young wolves” Yaroslav Hamujda (repeated in the prequel “Little Wolves 1/2”). Then it was even worse. He played the loops and drowned his frustrations out alcohol. Under his influence, he became unpredictable. A friend of Tomasz Preniasz recalled in an interview with “Na Żywo”:

There was silence after the argument. Neighbors called the police

All his friends knew that Tomasz Bryneaz was drinking. about the He came from a house where more alcohol was bought than breadNobody had any idea. By August 2006, at the beginning of the month, the 36-year-old actor received the news of his father’s death. So he went to Wegorzewo’s Helping the mother in organizing the funeral and, by the way, arranging the formalities related to the division of property after the deceased. He lived in a family home located near Lake Mamre.

Weeks passed, and there were fights and fights in Preniasz’s house almost every day. Tomasz and his mother got drunk together and then had an argument. about what? about the division of property. Traces of blows began to appear on Lady Teresa’s body.

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When, a few dozen minutes after a bar fight in Bryneaz’s house, silence fell, concerned neighbors called the police. They came to the place Law enforcement officers found Tomaz completely intoxicated (he had more than four per mile of alcohol in his blood!) and Teresa intoxicated. The actor’s mother was lying on the ground with bruises. The woman firmly stated that she had not been beaten, but had fallen, and the tears on her face were the result of mourning for her late husband. The police had no reason to arrest Tomasz.

He denied that he hit his mother. The evidence proved his guilt

A few days later, the Social Welfare Center in Węgorzewo received an anonymous report of the very poor condition of Teresa Bryneaz. An intervention has been made. The unconscious woman was taken to a nearby hospital but could not be rescued. She died of injuries sustained by her son (she had, among others, a fractured temporal bone).

Tomasz Bryenes is captured. However, the public prosecutor decided not to charge the actor killing. bet on it Allegations of physical and psychological abuse of her mother and beating to death. The actor was facing up to 12 years in prison.

In February 2007, during one of the court sessions in Olsztyn, Tomasz Bryenes He admitted that he and his mother both struggled with alcoholism. He claimed that he did not remember what happened that tragic evening. Although evidence in the form of bloody clothes from Teresa Braineaz testifies to the guilt of her son, the actor He categorically denied that he hit his mother. It is argued that the woman had problems with … keeping her balance and fell on herself.

A doctor called by lawyer Tomáš Brenéas confirmed that the actor had been struggling with it for many years addicted He was unable to control us with his behaviour. This diagnosis saved Brynyaz from a long sentence.

At the end of June 2008, the actor was sentenced to two years in prison. As a journalist from reports:

Since the actor’s stay in custody was counted towards the sentence, Thomas Braineas may be released immediately upon hearing the verdict. In July he returned to Warsaw and tried to revitalize his career. The environment turned away from him, and he did not receive job offers. He only managed to play episodes in a TV series “honor time” and “Aida” (2011). There has been no trace of him since then. Tomasz Preniasz does not appear in public, has no social media accounts, and does not give interviews.


Tomasz Preniasz (pictured with Agata Kulesza) in the movie “The Garden of a Thousand Sighs”

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