Centralny Port Komunikacyjny buys shares in Torpol.  The exchange rate is strongly in grams

The initial deal was closed on Tuesday, January 24th. Information on this issue was provided by the Deputy Minister of Finance and Regional Policy, Plenipotentiary Row for CPK Marcin Horala. – The preliminary agreement signed today will be processed later in accordance with all formalities so that the CPK Capital Group will be enriched by a company capable of implementing large multi-industrial infrastructure projects. Torpol is such a company – said Free at a press conference.

CPK hanging? Analyst: The government easily fulfills simple promises

CPK buys Torpol shares. The company’s price goes up

After the initial agreement was announced, Torpol shares in where The stock rose more than 10 percent. On Tuesday at 10:45, the company’s shares were valued at PLN 22.80 per share.

Towarzystwo Finansowe Silesia owns 8,728,600 shares comp Torbol, which constitutes 38 percent. The total number of votes in the company. CPK Plan to conduct Torpol due diligence studies.

More information from Poland You can read on the home page of Gazeta.pl

“Obligations of the parties to perform closing activities depend on the conditions prior to the standard in this type of transaction, including obtaining the appropriate corporate approvals, as well as obtaining consent to focus on the principles and in the manner specified by law” – we read.

Torpol deals with railway infrastructure

Torpol has been dealing with comprehensive modernization and construction of railway infrastructure for 30 years, adapting its standards to EU requirements and international rail traffic regulations.

Towarzystwo Finansowe Silesia has 20 years of experience in implementing strategic projects for the country’s economy. It operates in the most important industries for Poland, for example, railways, coking coal, energy, infrastructure and Real estate.

The House of Representatives did not deal with the law related to the CPK. The House of Representatives did not deal with the law related to the CPK. “Rz”: Discontent of some law and justice party deputies

The Central Port of Communication is a planned transport hub between Warsaw and Łódź, which aims to integrate air, rail and road transport. As part of this investment, 37 kilometers west of Warsaw, on an area of ​​approximately 3,000 hectares, the Solidarity airport will be built, which in the first phase will serve 40 million passengers annually.

STH will also include investments in the railways – a junction in the immediate vicinity of the airport and connections across the country will make it possible to travel between Warsaw and the greater polishing cities, in no more than 2.5 hours. This investment aims to create more than 150,000 job opportunities. New places The job. In the STH area, an airport city will be built, which will include, among other things, trade fairs, congresses, conferences and offices.

watching video
Should CPK be abolished? Kosiniak-Kamysz: This investment is not necessary

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