Wisla Krakow.  Adrian Gul coach prepares for changes for the match against Górnik Łęczna

Wisła hasn’t had a good streak lately. In the last three meetings, she scored only one point and fell from first place to 12.

It is known that coach Adrian Gula in Uchna will not be able to use Alan Yuriga and Georgy Zhukov.

– Alan is badly injured and needs time. Everything is going in the right direction, but so far he works only with physiotherapists and has not yet trained with the ball – coach Gul admitted. The coach does not want to say how long Uryga will be sidelined, but everything indicates that it will last at least a few weeks.

In turn, Zhukov is already training normally and may be ready to play after the break for the national team matches.

Despite these injuries, Gol’s coach has plenty of room to maneuver and in the face of weaker results he intends to reach the bench.

– We are planning to make changes because we not only need to see a better game, but also the outcome. Tomorrow we’ll see who I can bet on – the coach confirms.

We asked the Wisa coach if there was a chance that centre-back Adi Mahramic could return to the game after a few months off, because Wisa’s defensive match was the last to limp.

– Uday trains with the team all the time, he is well prepared physically, but you have to remember that he has not played for five months. At that time, he quarreled only with Naples. Soon there will be a gap in acting [po następnej kolejce – przyp. red.] And then we can check the sparring. But today I trust our heart of defence – Ghoul cuts the matter.

The coach did not want to reveal which goalkeeper he would choose this time, but everything indicated that Bowie Keshek’s actions were higher. – The most important thing is that we have two good goalkeepers, because it gives confidence to the whole team – this confirms to coach Wiswa.

The match Górnik Łęczna – Wisła Kraków will be played on Saturday the 20th. Report in Entrea.


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