Ferrari wanted to attack Łaszczyk.  Watch Burke from the stands.  “you are dead”

This was the final session of Wednesday’s convention, so the party’s biggest stars took to the stage Famous MMA 17. Among them is Kamil Łaszczyk, a super featherweight boxer with an impeccable boxing record (32-0), who decided to enter the world of exotic fights. And his rival – Amadeus “Ferrari” Rolek, who will be the ninth for him fight in the octagon.

watching video
Octagon for Zieliński and Zalewski. severe short circuit

The brawl before the MMA Fame Gala. They got on stage and it started. “slippery trash”

Ferrari to Łaszczyk: Show people you’re an athlete

Ferrari in recent months was the first to challenge Łaszczyk to a duel. – This is how you talk about these anti-doping tests and, as far as I know, you take coke – he spoke to Łaszczyk at the beginning of the discussion. – No problem, we can do research – Laszczyk replied without hesitation. – I’m telling you right away that if I don’t have a coke, and you are, you give me all the gag – Łaszczyk added after a while.

But why do you set conditions? Just prove to people that you’re an athlete,’ exclaimed Ferrari. – Prove it, too. If you’re too cunning, come on: we’ll do research – added Łaszczyk. – ‘Amady’, there’s a bet, there must be something on the table. You accuse him With very strong things – Robert Bassot, co-host of the conference stepped in. Ferrari offered to pay 5 thousand PLN to charity.

Artur Szpilka and Amadeusz 'Ferrari' RoślikSzpilka predicts the winner of the Fame MMA evening fight. ‘Very simple ideology’

Laszczyk only smiled after that suggestion. In any case, not only him, but also Mateusz Borek – Łaszczyk’s boxing promoter, which the producer showed in the close-up photo. After a while, the discussion continued. Although “discussion” is probably a bit too big of a word, because it was basically mutual insults and verbal shoving and slobbering that we don’t even want to quote.

Laszczyk for “Ferrari”: I’m waiting, I’ll come, you’ll see

Fortunately, this time there were no restrictions, although “face to face” was very long. Neither Ferrari nor Łaszczyk wanted to be the first to take their eyes off the opponent. Ferrari threatened: “I’ll take you in two days.” – I’m waiting, I’ll come, you’ll see. Just take your balls with you, – Łaszczyk answered him with a wry smile.

Unlike Ferrari, which was furious. Upon returning to the table, he attempted to pounce on Laszczyk, but was stopped by security. – You’re dead – continued the “Ferrari”, who accused the rival of having insulted him during their “face to face” – which could not be heard because the microphones were not replaced. Mother.

MMA 17 Fame Gala on Friday from 19.30.

Fame MMA 17 – Fight Card:

  • Amadeus “Ferrari” Roslik vs. Kamil “Szczurek” Łaszczyk
  • Waclaw “Wac Toja” Osiecki vs. Sebastian “Alterboy” Fabijański
  • Cesare “Carmageddon” Jozwik vs. Tomasz “Jember” section
  • Alan “Alanik” Kwiecinski vs. Maksymilian “Wiewiór” Squirrel – Fighter in K-1
  • Paweł “Chief of FEN” Jozwiak vs. Michael “Boxdel” The Baron – Roman Cage
  • Lucas “Manzio” Samone vs. Karol “Karolek” Dąbrowski – fought in K-1
  • Philip “Filipek” Marcinek vs. Robert Karay – Killer in K-1
  • Marcin “The Polish Zombie” Wrzosek vs. Piotr “Szeli” Szeliga – fought in the K-1
  • Mikoaj “Mixer” Majdziar vs. Marcin “Ravonix” Krasuke
  • Klaudia “Sheeya” Kołodziejczyk vs. Victoria “Wiki” Jaronewska
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