By the end of the year, Netto wants to reach the halfway point in the process of switching ports seized from Tesco

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On August 12, the 12th Netto was opened in the city of Lodz. Thus, لودód remains the third city in Poland in terms of the number of Netto stores, ahead of only Pozna (15 stores) and the cradle of the chain in our country – Szczecin (25 stores).

To date, Netto has had one store in Chełmża and Złotów – new outlets have opened in both cities. In recent weeks, Netto has made its debut in other cities in the county. Mazowieckie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Świętokrzyskie and Małopolskie, consolidating their position in these parts of the country. Thus, the scope of the network is growing and becoming more and more.

The transformation of Tesco stores to Netto allows us to rapidly grow our operations. We are convinced that the Netto concept will attract and retain former Tesco customers on a permanent basis. Net is a different format than Tesco, but it has a lot more to offer. What distinguishes Netto in the market is the wide offer, competitive prices, a number of weekly promotions and the real convenience of shopping in our branches – says Krzysztof Kaminski, Operations Director of Netto Polska.

The self-checkout system has been installed in 10 converted stores, and over the next six months, the solution will be available in the 50 Tesco-acquired stores.

By the end of the year, the chain plans to open more than 150 stores throughout Poland. The end of the entire conversion process is planned for the middle of next year.

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