Ukraine criticizes the Vatican’s move.  “we are disappointed”

“We are very grateful Pope Francis For his concern for Ukraine and Ukrainians, ”Oleg Nikolenko began in a post on Facebook. The following words were not so sanguine:“ Unfortunately, we are forced to say that this year’s parade was once again wasted by trying to equate the victim with the aggressor, ”we read.

A spokesman for the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry commented Read on Good Friday Testimonials of a Ukrainian teenager and a Russian boy“We are disappointed that the Holy See did not take into account the arguments of the Ukrainian side about the offensive nature of such a gesture.”

The rest of the article is below the video:

Oleg Nikolenko assessed that such juxtaposition “distorts the reality in which it is located Russia Ukrainians plunged into genocide. In his view, this also undermines the principles of “universal justice and morality”.

Attempts to put an equal sign between UkraineWhich suffers, and Russia, which causes suffering, does not contribute to reconciliation. Reconciliation can take place only after the victory of Ukraine, the punishment of all Russian criminals, the expression of repentance for the suffering and an apology to the Ukrainian people.

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