Attention phone owners.  Turn off these features on your phone for safety and battery saving [17.04.2023]

Hackers are increasingly trying to break into our phones and computers. As it turns out, smartphone users are often scammed. The right device in which we store the most valuable data for us is a tidbit for scammers. Learn how to protect yourself from them, what to remember and which features to disable on your phone.

Every day, we install a lot of apps on our smartphones, which definitely make our life easier. We have all-in-one contacts, banking and social accounts, apps that take care of our condition or a healthy diet.

Android is a very convenient system for users, but also a dangerous one. Hackers have long identified phone users as potential victims. This is facilitated by the size of the device, not all information displayed in the text field or the touch itself (accidental tap). Add to that the haste and pressure and you have a recipe for disaster.

Also read:We have a new list of apps discontinued from Google Play. You have to remove these apps from your phone yourself

Online security is very important and we must do our best not to make it easy for hackers to access our phones. Because after that, we may lose access to our social, bank or email accounts.

We use our phones practically every moment of the day. How do we make our battery last longer? How will we keep ourselves safe? What we need to disable in our phones to enjoy using them. Check out the gallery below:

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It is happening in Poland and in the world – read on

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