Filming “La petite et le vie” in Quebec: Future movie star with Gilder Roy?

Quebec cinema’s next star is shooting his first career film in Quebec with Gilder Roy?

Veteran comedian and producers Young and oldAn adaptation of the Marie-Renée Lavoie novel directed by Patrice Sauvé and currently in the final stages of filming, they firmly believe yes.

Her name is Juliet Parucha, she is 12 years old, from Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, a suburb of Quebec, and although she has never set foot on a set, she amazes everyone with her naturalness and professionalism among the veterans. Actors such as Vincent-Guillaume Otis and Marilyn Castonguay.

Thoughtful and quick-witted, she soon became comfortable. “She’s getting better every day. She’s improving all the time,” praises Gilder Roy.

Gilder Roy alongside Marilyn Castonguay and Vincent-Guillaume Otis during the filming of “The Little One and the Old One”.

Photo by Stevens LeBlanc/Journal de Québec

“He’s a total talent. She has a powerful emotional intelligence,” says producer Marc Biron.

His future? “I think she can pick her roles. She’s got a little Christy in her face,” says Gilder Roy, sharing a laugh with his young partner and new friend.

“I see you’re winning an Oscar”

“It’s been interesting,” says Juliet Barucha when asked how she found this first experience in the big leagues.

Until now, the young actress has only participated in small performances at school, but she has already found a way to be noticed.

“My parents said about me that I am a stage person. Last year, in 6the The year, I was the narrator of my Christmas program, and the mother of a girl in my class said to me: I see you take the Oscar in your hands, ”he immediately tempers his enthusiasm.

“We’re a long way from getting there. We’ve got stages to overcome,” he explains under Gilder Roy’s amused and approving gaze.

A family photo before filming a scene from “The Little One and the Old One.”

Photo by Stevens LeBlanc/Journal de Québec

A definitive audit

Gilder Roy plays the gruff and lovable neighbor Mr. Nearly 90 young women auditioned for the role of Jo, a 10-year-old girl who befriends Roger.

From the very first attempts, the makers of the film were impressed by its inherent sense of playfulness and space.

“At his last audition, he felt like he was blocking the camera, and he backed off to make room for the other actor. Patrice told us he saw professionals who were not aware of lighting and camera,” says Mark Byron.

Film shooting Young and old November ends in Havana, Cuba. The film will hit theaters in 2024.

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