We may soon witness the historic landing of special missions on the Moon
| Astronomy/Physics

Next year in the United States He will attempt the first moon landing since 1972. If we succeed, we will be witnesses historical event – For the first time in history, a vehicle belonging to a private company will land on the surface of a celestial body other than Earth. The missions, part of NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program, are scheduled to begin in January and February.

NASA's collaborating companies within CLPS build their own landers and are responsible for the mission, and NASA pays them to deliver equipment to the Moon. The US space agency has been working with private companies for decades to help develop America's private space sector. Since 2008, private companies have been delivering supplies to the International Space Station, and more recently have also transported astronauts there.

However, landing on the moon is a whole different level of difficulty. About 55% of missions succeed, and neither Astrobotics nor Intuitive Machines has sent their own vehicles into space yet, let alone attempted a lunar landing. Moreover, never before has a private company's vehicle landed on an extraterrestrial body. So we are dealing with high-risk missions, but if successful, they will undoubtedly be a strong positive impetus for further intensive development of the private space exploration sector.

Astrobotics was founded in 2007, and Peregrine Mission 1 is scheduled to launch on January 8 next year. It may attempt to land on February 23. The mission objective is the Sinus Viscositatis lava field. There will be six NASA-provided instruments on board the mission, including two spectrometers. One will search for water molecules rising from the moon's surface and heated by the sun, and the other will search for hydrogen-containing minerals on Earth. In addition, Peregrine Mission 1, commissioned by private companies and government agencies, will carry 15 other devices. It will include a scientific instrument provided by the Mexican Space Agency, and a disk from the Arch Mission Foundation containing tens of millions of pages of data, including a copy of Wikipedia, and the ashes of people commissioned by Celestis and Elysium Space for burial on the moon's surface. moon.

The Peregrine 1 mission will be launched aboard a Vulcan Centaur rocket. This is the latest United Laund Alliance (ULA) rocket that will make its maiden flight.

Intuitivie Machines was founded in 2013, and the Nova-C lander is scheduled to launch in mid-February. It will be carried by Space If successful, this will be the second landing in this region after the Indian mission Chandrayaan-3.

Nova-C will receive 11 cargoes on board, including 5 from NASA and 6 from other contractors. One of them is part of the landing structure. The metal layer used in some areas to insulate cars was developed by Columbia and is used in its clothing. Upon landing, Nova-C will fire a small camera made by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. The camera will descend to the surface and film Nova-C's descent. If the plan succeeds, it will be the first film ever shot from outside to show the landing on a body other than Earth.

We may soon witness the historic landing of special missions on the Moon

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