War in Ukraine.  Volodymyr Zelensky sent a “secret signal” to Vladimir Putin.  Journalists solved the mystery

Zelensky appeared in a distinctive shirt during a meeting with Estonian Prime Minister Kaya Kallas. It appears on clothes The geographic coordinates are 48.3794° and 31.1656°.

As it turns out, this is the definition of data Location of Dobrovelychivka village in Kirovohrad region of Ukraine. Looking at maps of Ukraine's borders from 1991, it is a city located right in the center of the country. There is even a memorial plaque in the village to commemorate this occasion.

“In this way,” Zelensky points out It rejects any territorial concessions and does not recognize any changes in its country's borders– Journalists from the German newspaper Bild wrote, noting that it was a “message to Putin.”

Zelensky's visit to Estonia. A gift from Prime Minister Callas

During his visit to Estonia, President Volodymyr Zelensky received a gift from Prime Minister Kaya KalasIt was a sweatshirt with the words “Will to protect“which means in Estonian”Will to defend“.

During the speech of the President of Ukraine in the Estonian Parliament, Volodymyr Zelensky expressed his gratitude for the support his country received during the war.

-I got this kind of heavy kind of prime. This word “katsitah” unites all of you, many Estonians, she said. And what is written here This is what is engraved in the hearts of many Ukrainians, the will to defend. And I'm sure there will come a day when everyone will be We will be able to unite in one meaning: võidutahe – the will to win – He said.

First interview with Prime Minister Donald Tusk after the election/Polsat News/Polsat News

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