Humanity is trying to discover new secrets of the universe, exploring space with increasing boldness, while there are still many mysteries to be explored on Earth. One of them is a strange structure at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

A structure is being built under the Pacific Ocean with an area of ​​more than 200,000 square metres. square kilometers (slightly less than the area of ​​Great Britain). The Melanesian Boundary Plateau (MBP), whose article was published in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters, is a distinctive feature that arose in the time of the dinosaurs.

Scientists took samples of rocks in the MBP area and determined that the formation of the structure began in the Cretaceous period, the last period of the Mesozoic era. They estimate that it was about 120 million years ago. As a result of the lava flow, many underwater mountains were formed. The next stage of plateau formation occurred between 56 and 34 million years ago. Then more mountains and islands were supposed to appear under the water, but they sank due to erosion.

The third stage of the four stages occurs in the period between 23-5 million years ago, A The final stage of the formation of the Melanesian border plateau began 5 million years ago. And most likely continues to this day. The researchers' findings show that scientists have been aware of the existence of the aforementioned area for a long time. Moreover, they emphasize that many objects form over tens of millions of years, but do not have a significant impact on the environment – thus, there is still no more detailed research on MBP.

The rest of the article is below the video

Scientists have recently determined that at least 25 separate volcanic structures are responsible for the formation of the plateau. However, they have a number of additional studies ahead of them that will allow them to better understand the Earth's history and evolution. First of all, scientists need to determine whether the fourth and final known stage of MBP formation is the last at all and whether it is still ongoing.

Studying the MBP will also allow us to look at tectonic mechanismsAnd therefore – to study the formation of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in more detail. However, to achieve this, scientists must conduct several expeditions and obtain more samples from the ocean floor than the structure that forms a kind of scar on the Earth's surface.

Norbert Garbarek, journalist at Wirtualna Polska

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