The film “Alone. The Beginning” tells the story of the lives of two young men, Kargul and Pavlak, who live with their families in Kruzioniki in the border regions. The saga of the two feuding families won the hearts of viewers. The first part of “Samych's own” was produced in 1967. Later, “Nie ma mocch” and “Kochaj, albo szlać” were produced. All parts were directed by Sylwester Chęciński. The new production was handled by Artur Żmijewski. For the actor, this is his directorial debut on the big screen.
The main roles in the prologue of “Samich's own” were played by Adam Bobek, who played Kazimierz Pawlak, and Karol Dziuba, who played Kargol. We asked him about working in the group.
– On set, there was absolutely no feeling that this was Artur Żmijewski's cinematic debut. He had previously directed TV series and plays, so he was familiar with it. It was great to work with him because he is a director who is always prepared, which I and most actors love very much. He had a clear and clear vision, which gave us a feeling of security and peace, and therefore confidence. This makes him fully reflect himself on set – Karol Dziuba tells us and reveals that Żmijewski, an actor, was also helpful in this matter.
— He offered advice, words, when there were weak moments, when we felt that something was not going well. He was a true support and a true captain of this ship. He executed his vision of what should appear on screen very steadily, but calmly. I think it's a great movie, so go to the cinemas and take your loved ones, encourages Dziuba.
The actor playing one of the main roles is not afraid of comparisons or accusations that he and the rest of the team endure the continuation of such a cult production.
– Remember that we did not create anything by force. The screenplay for this film, just like the well-known three parts, was written by the same man, Andrzej Mularczyk. This part was not filmed due to censorship, so we are happy that we were able to finish this saga, starting from the beginning – laughs the actor.
Żmijewski's wife was impressed by the premiere. What is the secret of their marriage? What words about excitement on the side
“Alone. The Beginning” is coming to theaters. There were many conflicts in the group
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