Do you know who played in “The Antichrist”?  Match actors' names to roles in Jerzy Hoffmann's film! [QUIZ]

“Znature” Directed by Jerzy Hoffmann It is a film that continues to move the masses of viewers who gather in front of their television screens almost every time it is broadcast. Cult production. The film was an adaptation of the novel by Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz of the same title. Hoffmann was the second director who decided to turn this work into a film (the previously known version of “The Quack” directed by Michał Waszyński from 1937-1938). after The film premiered in 1982 It quickly turned into a box office success for Polish cinema The fate of Professor Rafael Wilczor, Who loses his memory after his wife left him, and still moves millions of Poles today. Let us also add that another version will be released in 2023 “Znature” – This time in the version directed by Michel Gazda.

Chicken: Leszek Lichota and Anna Szymańczyk on the new adaptation of the Polish classic

Who played in “The Antichrist”? Match the actors to their roles in the 1982 film.

For the masses “The Impostor” is directed by Jerzy Hoffmann We have prepared a test that you will probably be able to complete without any problems! The task is simple: We call the hero of the film and you refer to the actor who played this role. We would like to emphasize that this test only applies to the z version 1982! So, are you ready to face the questions? good luck!

Who played in “The Antichrist”? Match the actors' names to their roles in the 1982 cult film.

Question 1 of 11

Playing the role of Professor Rafael Wilczor and Anthony Kosiba:

See also: The new movie “Quack” was filmed in Lublin! The latest information about Netflix productions

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