Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne explains that they have decided on an emergency reduction of energy from renewable energy sources Due to the oversupply of energy in the grid and the need to restore regulatory capacity. Simply put, if there is too much green energy given the current electricity demand, it is necessary to take measures to save the system, including, above all, reducing the operation of coal and gas power plants to a minimum, and launching pumped-storage hydropower plants. . (It constitutes a type of energy storage), emergency energy export to neighboring countries, and if that is not enough, wind or solar farm operators will be ordered to close part of their facilities to obtain compensation. Otherwise, the system will be disabled and a power outage will occur.
We saw a reduction in renewables capacity at the request of the operator on Sunday 10 March. On that day, PSE ordered a reduction in energy production from renewable energy sources by:
— 649 MWh 7-8;
— 1023 MWh 8-9;
— 1,405 MWh 9-10;
— 2348 MWh 10-11;
— 2500 MWh 11-12;
— 2596 MWh 12-13;
— 2546 MWh 13-14;
— 1,387 MWh 14-15;
— 1011 MWh 15-16;
— 563 MWh 16-17.
At the most difficult moments for the system, it was necessary to reduce power by about 2.6 gigawatts. It is as if the two largest coal-fired units in Opole and the largest unit at the Javorzno Power Station were shut down at the same time.
The operator does not reveal what type of power supply it decided to turn off, but it can be assumed that it is about that Wind farms, because they were the largest producer of electricity at the time. in. On January 14, after the power reduction, we had 5.7 GWh of wind capacity, or 34%. The entire order. Hard coal power plants saved 30 percent. Energy (4.9 GWh), solar 13%. (2.1 GWh), gas – less than 10%. (1.6 GWh). Brown coal units operate at minimum capacity and produce only 9%. Energy (1.5 GWh).
Sunday The operator also saved the system through emergency export of electricity to Slovakia, Germany and Sweden.
A similar situation occurred on Sunday, March 3. Then, sunny weather caused the photovoltaic cells to operate at full capacity, and the system generated plenty of power to meet the weekend's low electricity demand. The PSE then recommended reducing production only at PV installations.
This is a prelude to what awaits us in the spring and summer in sunny weather. With strong sun and strong winds, the need to shut down renewable energy facilities may arise more often, especially on holidays and weekends, when we consume less energy nationwide.