Świątek's return to Poland was delayed.  The staff returned without her.  We know the tennis player's plans

I will heal you Your adventure with Miami Open She finished in the 1/8 finals, unexpectedly losing to Ekaterina Alexandrova 4: 6, 2: 6. Failure means not only farewell to the tournament, but also the dream of winning the prestigious tournament Sunshine double (Victory in two consecutive events: in Miami and before that in Indian Wells). Polar was disappointed with the way things went for her in Florida. She admitted it directly.

Despite this, she decided to stay in the United States to gain strength and rejuvenate before the rest of the season. He talked about her future plans Bartosz Ignacek Z channel + sports.

Great exchange in Miami! How did they do it? video/Pulsat Sport/Pulsat Sport

Almost all employees returned to Poland. Światek and Abramovich remain in the United States for a longer period

Maciej Ryszczuk returned to Poland, and Tomasz Wiktorowski, Tomek Moczek, Daria and Iga stayed here to rest and refresh after the last two shows in Indian Wells and Miami. Iga will be in Warsaw for Christmas

~Ignacek said.

She stayed at the top of the US WTA rankings for a little longer and finally had the opportunity to rest a bit after a very stressful start to the season. However, she returns to the country for Christmas and then slowly begins preparations for one of the most important starts of the entire season, the French Open. The tournament begins at Roland Garros on May 20.

Failure in Miami The Russians were happy

“I didn't feel the ball completely and I know I didn't play well. But I don't blame myself too much because I gave my all,” Iga Švetic said after the unexpected failure.

Although the defeat was not a tragedy for the Polish fans, the leader of the WTA rankings in Miami played in the glory of the winner from Indian Wells, her biggest rival Aryna Sabalenka had already said goodbye to the tournament and the situation in the ranking was very comfortable, for the Russians, It was a widely commented success. Firstly, Alexandrova defeated the best tennis player in the world, and secondly, Svetek was very involved in helping Ukraine, which the Russians do not like very much.

“Alexandrova played a great match in terms of attacking play, and Shvetek lacked answers. But against such a skilled player, very few opponents would have found her,” we read in the Russian media.

Tomas Švetek, Daria Abramović, Iga Švetek/Pawel Jasculka/AGENCJA SE/East News

Iga Švetek and Daria Abramović/Wojciech Kubik/East News

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