A man fell off a cliff in California.  Dramatic rescue operation

Golden Gate National Recreation Area is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States. This place offers many tourist attractions, including the famous view of the Golden Gate Bridge, which connects San Francisco to Marin County. In addition, there are many tourist trails that pass through picturesque areas such as museums, castles and historical fortifications.

The trip to this unique place almost ended tragically for a young man. Sonoma County Sheriff's Office deputies staged a dramatic helicopter rescue Sunday night after a hiker fell off a cliff near the Battery Alexander National Recreation Area trail.

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The man was about 17 meters from the road She clung to the rocky gravel wallSo the Southern Marin Fire District requested helicopter support and a rescue crew around 7:40 p.m. local time.

A rescue crew using a Henry-1 helicopter arrived at the scene and found the man thanks to the helicopter's thermal imaging camera. A video demonstrating the procedure was posted online:

Park representatives appeal to tourists for safety on the trails. They stress that hiking trails after dark and in unfavorable weather conditions, such as storms or extreme heat, is dangerous. When hiking, be aware of trail signs and potential hazards, such as steep slopes. If hiking alone, they recommend using popular trails, avoiding remote areas, and informing someone of your planned route and estimated return time.

The rest of the article is below the video

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