More accusations against Boeing.  “I saw people jumping on the fuselage to match parts.”

Dark clouds hang over the American airline Boeing. A former employee of the company testified before the US Congress. In his opinion, Boeing, for more than 10 years, has not followed procedures that guarantee complete safety in the aircraft it produces. The matter is already being investigated by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Boeing employees and aviation experts are fighting in front of Congress – they say – for the lives of passengers. Because the legendary company, the icon of the American economy, mocks, in their view, the basic standards for producing machines that transport thousands of people around the world every day since at least 2013.

“If no action is taken, no surprise: everyone who flies a Boeing plane will be at risk,” Ed Pearson, a former Boeing employee and executive director of the Aviation Safety Foundation, warned the Senate committee.

– I'm not here because I want to, but because I have to. “I don't want to see a 787 or a 777 crash. I have serious concerns about the safety of these planes,” confirmed whistleblower Sam Salehpour, a quality engineer at Boeing.

See also: During the flight, a Boeing 737 airliner lost part of its fuselage skin

Does the company cut corners when it comes to producing machines?

– Whistleblowers, including a quality engineer from Boeing, suggest that the company takes shortcuts when it comes to producing the 787 or 777 Dreamliners – says CNN's Evan Rodriguez about the Senate hearing.

The shortcut involves, among other things, unauthorized gaps in the 787 Dreamliner's skin and matching parts – as one of the company's quality controllers describes it – using the “Tarzan Method.”

-I've literally seen people jumping on the fuselage to match parts. I call it the Tarzan effect, Salvor said.

See also: Boeing CEO will step down

The company's management defends aircraft safety, citing, among other things, numbers. Boeing's statement indicates that the Dreamliner has safely transported 850 million passengers since the beginning of its career.

A statement from Boeing said: “The Boeing 787 will be able to fly safely for at least 30 years before requiring extended maintenance procedures. Extensive and rigorous fuselage testing and extensive inspections of nearly 700 aircraft in service have revealed no evidence of fatigue.” Airframe.” On April 17th. It's very dangerous. Reports on The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating violations at Boeing. On January 5 of this year, shortly after takeoff on the new 737 MAX, the emergency door broke and was secured with — as it turned out — an insufficient number of bolts. In April, another Boeing 737 lost its engine cover during take-off. All this adds up to an increasingly worse image for the company.

Boeing has been facing charges for five years

– I will speak directly. When you try to increase productivity without adequate resources, with poor management focused on finances and a lack of inspectors on the production line, you always put safety at risk. This is irreconcilable, says Dr. Sean Proschnicki, an aviation expert and professor of engineering at Ohio State University. Boeing has been facing allegations and questions for more than 5 years. It started with the crash of two 737 MAX planes, killing a total of 346 people. Since the beginning of the year, the company's shares have fallen by more than 30 percent The company's CEO announced his departure. It turns out that he earned $32 million last year, half of what he earned in 2022.

Author/Author:Justina Zuber

Facts about the world TVN24 BiS

Main image source: CNN

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