Jeff Bridges will star in Tron: Ares.  This is his return to the cult series

W “You see” From 1982 Bridges He played Kevin Flynn, a hacker and computer game creator immersed in his former employer's system. His companion and protector inside the computer is the security software Tron (Bruce Boxleitner).

Bridges reprized his role in the film “Tron: Legacy” From 2010. His participation in the third part of the series, entitled “Ares,” has not been confirmed yet. When the podcast was recorded, Bridges was in before filming began. After the recording was released, it was decided that the actor had already finished working on the set.

Bridges said in Film Comment: “Jared Leto is the star of the third film. I am very interested in working with him. I have always admired his work.”

The actor also commented on his character's appearance in “Tron: Legacy.” There he played not only Flynn, but also Clu, who is like a revamped version of the hacker. “I didn't like the way I looked. I looked more like Bill Maher than myself. It was weird in a way,” he recalls.

He also noted that “Tron: Ares” will contain a limited number of computer effects. Its creators focus on practical special effects. Bridges said he saw the set pieces and “they looked nice.”

Although the first “Tron” was not a major financial success, the special effects used in its production were groundbreaking. Over time, the film became a cult work.

We will have to wait until October 10, 2025 for the third part of the series.

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