Diagnosed with breast cancer, Diane Lavallee is taking a professional break

Actress Diane Lavallee, Therese Barre in small life, She had to take a professional break due to a diagnosis of breast cancer.

This departure from the stage means that the play will not be played this summer Call me Stephen At the Maison des Arts des Jardins Drummondville in Centre-du-Quebec.

Photo Agent QMI, Mario BEAUREGARD

Caroline Bouchard will play Gilbert, replacing Diane Lavallee, whom we recently saw in the series. Warnings, VAT. He will also be in a musical this summer Our brothers-in-lawRene Richard Cyr.

Check out the trailer Our brothers-in-law Here we see Diane Lavallee with a five-star cast:

“I had to undergo surgery and radiotherapy, which meant that I would not be able to attend rehearsals and go on stage for the summer. I have to prioritize my health and get back in shape. I will be thinking about my fellow actors. I am thankful to Monarch Productions for supporting me during this turbulent time,” she said. Diane Lavallee said in a press release.

Out of respect for the 68-year-old actress, it was clarified that no interviews would be given on the matter.

Diane Lavallee, who has had a long career on stage, television and film, is the mother of actress Laurence LeBeouf.

Comedy Call me Stephen Presented by Claude Meunier and Louis Saia from June 28 to August 17 at Maison des Arts Desjardins Drummondville. More information is available reality.

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