The war in Ukraine continues. Sunday is the 844th day of the Russian invasion. According to DeepState project analysts, Russian soldiers have achieved more small successes in the Pokrovsk area of ​​the Donetsk region. Russian units were able to reach the outskirts of the Sokel settlement in the Donetsk region. But it is not known whether the village has been occupied by the Russians or whether fighting is still ongoing. Ukrainian forces must also defend themselves around Novoaleksandrivka. The Russians stormed the center and occupied a large part of its territory. Follow live coverage of Wirtualna Polska.

The most important information

  • A conference on peace in Ukraine began Saturday afternoon in Burgenstock, Switzerland. Russia did not receive an invitation to attend the summit. – When the action plan is ready on the table, agreed upon by everyone and transparent to the countries, we will present it to the representatives of Russia – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said.

The President of Ukraine announced that the summit participants agreed to begin work after meeting in special working groups that will work on “specific ideas, proposals and solutions that can restore security in its various aspects” and pave the way for organizing the second peace. The summit, which could – as he stressed – end the war.

Zelensky said that Russia, which was not invited to the summit, “is not ready for a just peace at this time.” In his opinion, this is confirmed by the recent statement made by Vladimir Putin. – In fact, almost all (conference participants) said that with this one message Putin told the whole world that everything he had previously said about the real desire to end the war had doubled to zero – the Ukrainian president noted.

He added that Putin’s statement was a “very serious mistake” because he changed the positions of individual countries that previously had a different opinion than Ukraine regarding the peace formula.

– We have our work to do. We are not thinking about Russia, we are doing what we have to do. Currently, Russia (…) is not ready for a just peace. Zelensky pointed out that these are the facts.

“We are at war. We do not have time for long-term action. Striving for peace means moving quickly. Preparations for that day will take months, not years. When the plan is ready and every step is developed, Zelensky said in his speech at the conclusion of the summit in Switzerland,” Zelensky said in his speech at the conclusion of the summit in Switzerland. Then the way will be open to hold a second peace summit, thus ending the war and establishing a just and lasting peace.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Russia will continue working to create a buffer zone in the Kharkov region until it secures the Belgorod region and other regions.

The path to peace requires the participation of all parties, but the basis of the arrangements must be respect for Ukraine’s territorial integrity, said the statement issued by the two-day Ukraine Peace Summit, which concluded on Sunday in Bergenstock, Switzerland.

Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine “continues to cause widespread human suffering and devastation” and poses global threats, the document stressed in the document, which was obtained by, among others, Reuters, Agence France-Presse and the Associated Press.

The final statement was signed by most of the more than 90 countries and international organizations participating in the event. They did not do this, among other things. India and Saudi Arabia – Reuters noted.

“I am grateful to Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen for her participation in the Peace Summit and for the active assistance provided by Denmark in engaging the countries of the Global South in the implementation of the peace formula. During our meeting, we discussed preparations for the transfer of Danish troops F- “We also talked about the framework for consent negotiations and the start of Ukraine’s accession talks with the EU in June.”

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Sunday rejected Russian President Vladimir Putin’s peace offer on Friday, saying it not only contravened the UN Charter but also violated basic ethics and common sense.

– According to Putin’s proposal, Ukraine gives up not only the territories currently controlled by Russia, but also additional territories – Sullivan told participants of the conference on Ukraine gathered in Bergenstock, Switzerland.

He noted that, according to the Russian proposal, Kiev would also have to disarm, “so it will be defenseless against any Russian aggression in the future.”

– No sane country can say that this is a reasonable basis for peace. He added that this contravenes the UN Charter and violates basic ethics and simple common sense.

On Friday, during a meeting with the leadership of the Foreign Ministry in Moscow, Putin said that the Russian army would cease fire if Ukrainian forces withdrew from the Ukrainian territories annexed by Russia, and Kiev pledged not to join NATO. According to him, Ukrainian forces must completely withdraw from the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic, as well as the Kherson and Zaporizhia regions. These are the areas of Ukraine that Russia announced its annexation after launching a large-scale attack on the country. He offered Ukraine’s “neutral, non-conflocated, non-nuclear status” as a necessary condition.

Reuters published a draft statement issued by the peace summit in Switzerland. Participants will demand dialogue “with all parties.”

Conference participants, according to the text of the draft statement, will have to reaffirm their commitment to the territorial integrity and political independence of every state, including Ukraine, within its internationally recognized borders, as well as to resolving disputes by peaceful means.

The document also defines the “shared vision” of the signatories in several aspects:

  • Ukrainian nuclear power plants and facilities, including the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, must operate safely under Ukrainian control. “Any threats or use of nuclear weapons in the context of the ongoing war with Ukraine is unacceptable,” the document stated.
  • Global food security depends on the production and uninterrupted supply of food products. Free and safe commercial shipping, as well as access to seaports in the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov, is crucial. Ukrainian agricultural products should be delivered to interested third countries.
  • All prisoners of war must be released through full exchange. All Ukrainian children who were illegally deported and resettled, as well as all other Ukrainian civilians who were illegally detained, must be returned to Ukraine.

The draft statement said, “We believe that achieving peace requires participation and dialogue between all parties. Therefore, we have decided to take concrete steps in the future in the areas mentioned above, with the continued participation of representatives of all parties.”

The signatories to the document include Ukraine, the United States, Great Britain, Turkey, Georgia, Finland, Moldova, Poland and the European Parliament.


80 countries and four international organizations supported the final statement of the peace summit in Switzerland.

Russian armed forces have occupied the village of Zagornoye in the Zaporizhzhya region of Ukraine, TASS reported, citing the Defense Ministry.

– We would like to conclude a partnership agreement with Ukraine and deepen trade relations – said the diplomatic advisor to the President of the United Arab Emirates

Nexta reports that The UAE wants to sign a partnership agreement with Ukraine and deepen trade. The diplomatic advisor to the President of the United Arab Emirates was informed of this.

Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda stressed that Russia’s war with Ukraine must end in a just peace while respecting Ukraine’s territorial integrity, and “peace plans” that involve concessions to the aggressor cannot be considered an alternative.

He added, “It is our common duty to show full solidarity with Ukraine… peace for its sake.” Ukraine will only be possible by fully restoring Ukraine’s territorial integrity” – confirmed Gitanas Nausida.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba announced in an interview with reporters that work on the text of the joint declaration has been completed and its approval will be announced by the presidents at the end of the summit. He added that other countries would also be able to join the declaration even after the summit.

The text is balanced and takes into account all our basic positions that Ukraine insisted on – added Kuleba.

On Sunday, June 16, 2024, Summit participants gathered for the second plenary session. The final declaration must be approved and signed today

According to the British newspaper The Guardian, on the second day of the World Peace Summit, the participating countries will be divided into three working groups that will deal with nuclear security, humanitarian issues, food security, and freedom of navigation in the Black Sea.

Reuters reported, citing Interfax, that the prisoners who held guards hostage in a prison in the Rostov Oblast region in Russia were killed after the storm, and the hostages were released.

Nexta newspaper reported that gunshots could be heard at the detention center in Rostov, Russia, where prisoners were being held hostage.

“A united world is a world at peace, a world that knows how to do the right thing. Thank you to everyone who worked for this day – every leader, all the leadership teams and advisors, and all the countries.. Our unity with you shows that the idea of ​​international law itself is still alive and effective“Wrote President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

The intensity of the bombing of the Sumy region by Russian forces has decreased somewhat, but they continue to terrorize the civilian population in the region.

A spokesman for the operational and tactical group of the Siversk forces said: “We see a slight decrease in the number of bombing operations, but this may be related to the weather conditions and technical difficulties faced by the enemy.”

Viktor Medvedchuk, Putin’s godfather and former head of the banned OPZH party, calls for the occupation of Odessa and other cities if Ukraine does not agree to the surrender offered by Russia.

Medvedchuk stated this The Russian Federation should occupy “Odessa and other cities” if Kiev rejects Putin’s “peace proposal”In which he calls for abandoning four states and the Crimean Peninsula and accepting the status of a non-aligned state.

The former council member also repeated Kremlin narratives about “Western puppet masters,” “war parties,” “illegitimate Zelensky,” “anti-people’s regime,” etc.

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