Euro 2024. Barnaba Varga suffers several fractures in the match against Scotland
The horrific accident occurred in the 69th minute of Sunday’s match in Stuttgart. Varga collided with Scottish goalkeeper Angus Gunn and briefly lost consciousness. Medical services came to the field, curtains were put up, and after a long rest period, the player was taken off the field.

Barnaba Varga was injured in a clash with the goalkeeper

Photo: Getty Images

Several minutes after the match, the Hungarian Federation announced good news. He wrote on social media: “Barnabas Varga’s condition is stable! The player is currently staying in a hospital in Stuttgart.”

“He’s not in danger.”

After conducting detailed examinations, the association announced the diagnosis. We read in the statement: “During the collision, several facial bones were broken, in addition to a concussion. Surgery is likely expected.”

The Hungarian’s health was also the main topic in the post-match press conference. As Our Nephews coach Marco Rossi revealed, the players were worried about the time needed for the doctors to arrive.

– The most important thing is that Barney is okay. He suffered facial fractures but is not in danger. The Italian coach said: If we go to the next round, he will not be able to play.


Varga left the field on a stretcher

Photo: Getty Images

The Hungarians beat the Scots 1-0 and finished third in Group A with three points and retained the chance to progress. In the following days, they will rely on the results of other groups, hoping for positive results.
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