Mark Wahlberg will fly away in Mel Gibson’s new movie. The dangers of flying in the first clip

Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg continue to collaborate. This time in an action-packed thriller titled Flight Risk, which has received its first trailer.

In recent years, the two starred in the 2017 comedy More About Your Grandparents and the 2022 drama Father One Hundred. But now their cooperation will move to a new level.

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Flight Risk is a new film directed by Mel Gibson (not to be confused with a 2022 production), which will be set in Poland and titled “3000 Meters Above Ground”, which will be released in cinemas on October 18. It will feature a story in which Mark Wahlberg plays the pilot of a plane carrying an air marshal (Michael Dockery) guarding a dangerous prisoner (Topher Grace). But as the heroes traverse the Alaskan wilderness, tensions rise and trust is tested as not everyone on board is who they say they are.

The Perils of Flying was written by Jared Rosenberg and produced by John Davis, John Fox, Bruce Davie and Mel Gibson. Executive producers are Alex Lebovici, Jenny Henke, Ryan D. Smith, Natasha Stassen, Allen Cheney, Christopher Woodrow, K. Blaine Johnston, Christian Mercury, Peter Jackel, Vicki Christianson, Nick Guerra, Russell Hollander, John Huddle, Patrick Gusten, Walter Gusten and Jordan Wagner.

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