The tenant was accused of throwing a tarantula

A US politician was arrested last week for allegedly throwing a live tarantula at a tenant who refused to leave his home.

Marissa Simonetti, a candidate for office in Hennepin County, Minnesota, told NBC News that she has had trouble for some time with a new tenant occupying a room in her home.

“She was at my house for less than two weeks and she started sending me two or three paragraph text messages and screaming on the phone for an hour at 10:30 p.m.,” M Simonetti.

Faced with her new roommate’s disturbing behavior, she said she was concerned for her own safety and that of her son. So she decided to break the Airbnb reservation and ask him to leave the premises.

The tarantula attack reportedly happened Thursday, forcing tenant Jackie Vasquez to permanently leave the premises. It is said that the police intervened three times and gave informationme Vasquez said she was in a trespassing situation. Instead of cooperating, according to the owner, she barricaded herself in a room, refusing to come out.

“I thought, how far is she going to go? Will she harm me or my son? I can’t stand here,” explains the owner. The police couldn’t help her, so they decided to take matters into their own hands.

Inspired by the movie Mom I missed the flightShe said, Mme Simonetti went to the pet store to buy a tarantula to scare away the unwanted tenant.

Mme Vasquez claims that a tarantula, among other things, was thrown in his face, while Mme Simonetti said he “slowly tipped it down the stairs,” not intending to harm the creature. He did not expect to be arrested for this.

Online jail records show he was charged with fifth-degree assault and domestic assault, which carries lesser penalties. She was released on Monday afternoon. M’s roomme When she returned, Vasquez was empty, she said.

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