Actor Patrice Godin becomes a forest firefighter

Known for his taste for adventure, his love of extreme sports and his penchant for the great outdoors, Patrice Godin would leave the sport for the next few years, at least in the spring and summer, to work as a forest firefighter.

It’s been a while since actor Patrice Godin posted photos of himself and his new forest firefighter colleagues on social networks.

We often see him in the helicopter, in the company of his friends from SOPFEU, the Society for the Protection of Forests Against Fire.

Seen in the series The most loved man And Amazing detective Confirmed magazine He would be a forest firefighter for the next few years, spring and summer.

The 56-year-old actor says he is ready to shoot in autumn and winter “if offered interesting roles”.

Photos the ultramarathoner has been posting on Facebook and Instagram for months show him in the Côte-Nord; Especially in Havre-Saint-Pierre a few days ago and in Sept-Îles last June.

And a jiu-jitsu (martial arts) student, he confirms that he followed the entire process of becoming a forest firefighter.

Judging by his smile in the photos he appears in and the photos of landscapes and sunsets he likes to post, the actor and writer seems particularly happy with his new life choice.

SOPFEU’s objective is to protect forest, communities and strategic infrastructure against vegetation fire, while ensuring the sustainability of the forest ecosystem. One of the organization’s three main sites is located in Baie-Comeau.

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