Assassination of a Russian officer. His car exploded.

Torgashov is the deputy head of the satellite communications center of the 33790th military unit based in the Moscow region. Initial reports indicate that the force of the explosion was equivalent to half a kilogram of TNT. Major Torgashov lost both his legs and his wife suffered lacerations to her face. They were taken to the Botkin Hospital.

Investigators are considering different versions of events, including the possibility that the explosion was an attack related to Turgashov’s professional activities, RIA Novosti reported. The case is being conducted under Articles 30 and 105 of the Criminal Code, relating to attempted murder. However, according to the Kommersant daily, the incident may be reclassified as an act of terrorism.

Complete article below the video

The head of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, ordered to bring the case under control at the highest level. Investigators and criminalists from Moscow, in cooperation with operational services, are examining the scene of the incident. Medical and technical examinations of explosives will be carried out in the near future.

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