This is how Cristiano Ronaldo bid farewell to Juventus players.  Khan Wojciech Szczęsny behind the scenes

Wojciech Schuszny was asked on the “Foot Track Live” channel program about Cristiano Ronaldo’s departure from Juventus. – Do you feel it is not there? There is no standard in the team announced.

Cristiano Ronaldo made an unexpected move in the summer transfer window. He left Juventus and joined Manchester United.

The rest of the text is below the video

And so the Portuguese ended his three-year adventure with the “old lady”. At that time, he was the leading figure in the team. In total, he appeared in 134 sessions. He scored 101 goals and scored 22 assists.

Wojciech Szczęsny spoke on the program on the “Foot Truck Live” channel about how the 36-year-old said goodbye to his teammates. It turns out that the Portuguese star did not have much time for this.

He said goodbye to everyone individually. He wasn’t having a farewell party. The sooner it is dealt with. So I don’t have a story – The goalkeeper admitted.

Do you feel it is not there? There is no standard in the team. Over the past three years, Cristiano was able, in a difficult moment of the match, to score two goals from nothing, even if he was not visible on the field. This is its greatest quality – added.

You look at the score and it’s in the scorers’ list. Now there is no. But looking at the long term – it might be beneficial. Relying on one player is not always positive because it reduces the sense of responsibility of other players – Been completed.

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