USA: Sold by minors.  The brutal revenge of the father

“Eisenman discovered in October 2020 that his underage daughter had been sold to traffickers in the Seattle area, likely by her boyfriend, 19-year-old Andrew Sorensen,” police said. “The father managed to save the girl and bring her back to Spokane,” they added to the uniform.

And the man, without waiting for a reaction from the services, confronted the teenager himself and carried out the kidnapping. Then he drove the 19-year-old with his mouth shut in a trunk in a remote area in northern Spokane County.

There he “attacked the victim by hitting her several times with a stone in the head, and then repeatedly stabbed her with a knife, which led to her death” – the police officers wrote in a press release. When the 19-year-old stopped breathing, the perpetrator left the car and went home with other means of transportation.

Sorensen’s body was found a year later, when an unknown person found a car in a remote area, and drove it to Spokane, unaware of the body in the trunk. There, the car covered in the mold was dumped again on East Everett Avenue.

The residents informed the police, concerned about the wreckage that had been left for a long time and the unpleasant smell emanating from it.

The uniforms found the cause of the stench when they opened the torso—it contained a corpse in an advanced state of decay, bound arms and legs, taped lips, and numerous stab wounds.

Police officers determined that the car – a green Honda Accord – belonged to Brenda Cross, the fiancée of 60-year-old John Eisenman. When the uniformed officers arrived at the couple’s home, the man initially told investigators that the car had been stolen in 2020. However, he later confessed to killing the 19-year-old and told investigators.

Eisenman was arrested on October 29. He did not resist arrest.

Before the courts, he would be liable for first degree murder. He faces life imprisonment.

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