Xavi’s first problems in Barcelona.  Young talent breaks the rule of a new football coach

A large group of FC Barcelona fans have been waiting for the exciting return of Xavi Hernandez, who remembers the club’s heyday from his own experience.. And Spanish media wrote that he would lead “this ship according to certain rules”, and, as it turned out, less than five days had passed and one of the contenders showed himself from the bad side.

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Buick has already signed Xavi Hernandez. Will the new Barcelona coach bear the consequences?

Diario Sport announced this feat Requigo Puiga. According to the diary, the midfielder was traveling with his friend. They both came close to hitting a pedestrian while riding their scooters on the sidewalk. The event took place in Barcelona. Which of the rules did the 22-year-old break? cure He believes the key is to “avoid behavior that may endanger the player’s physical appearance.”

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“It is not yet known whether this incident will have repercussions on Puig or whether Xavi will abandon him,” the article read. Riqui Puig is one of the potential players F.C.BThe club has high hopes. The young Spaniard entered the first team in 2020, and has since played 45 matches, in which he scored one goal and scored three assists. He was also called up by Luis Enrique to the senior national team.

Xavi Hernandez However, he will have time to punish the 22-year-old, as his adventure with FC Barcelona has just begun. The club legend was excited about the return option, and collected his ground on the training bench at Al Sadd in Qatar. Xavi won seven titles with the Qatar national team as a coach, and his team did not lose in 35 league matches in two seasons.

Michael Edwards - Sporting Director of Liverpool with trophies.  Source: https://twitter.com/AnfieldWatch/status/1458473921209151497/photo/1Storm in Liverpool. disappear after years. He even sold bird wings.

Barcelona after playing eleven games in league He is only ninth in the table with sixteen points and nine behind the leader, Realu . Association (I played another game).

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