A chapel for permanent worship is being built in Manhattan

“We not only want to erect an altar with a plinth, but we want it to be a place where people also experience God through the beauty of the interior,” says Father Boniface Endorf, who is in charge of the project.

Fight to build a chapel

The Dominicans demonstrate this because of the decoration of St. Peter’s Basilica. Józef, where the chapel is being built, decides to combine neo-Romanesque and classical elements. The mosaics will come all the way from Madrid. The Archbishop of New York came up with the initiative to build a permanent worship church. Although the beginnings, Father Endorf adds, were not easy and the Holy Spirit had to help.

Easter was coming up and I wasn’t getting much response. At the same time, I was busy preparing for the Triduum. Right after Christmas, I prayed these words: “Lord, if you want this to happen, help me raise money. [Bo obecnie] “I’m banging my head against the wall,” he said.

“I got a call on Monday and I received a big donation. And so every day, all week. People I hadn’t met before called. They learned about the project through word of mouth. This week we raised more than half of the necessary amount. I hope I will People in this church experience God’s mercy and are transformed.

“against New York culture”

The priest continues: “They will learn that they are loved by God and will turn their lives to Him, finding the joy for which the Lord created them.”

“It’s kind of a contradiction to the culture of New York, a city that’s so crowded and full of conflicts. And yet, he maintains these aspirations.” [przecież] The natural human drive towards happiness. Father Endorf said that residents are looking for what they think will make them happy, and everyone has their own vision of such things.

“By placing a chapel there, we are giving them the opportunity to find something that will truly bring peace to their souls. For what we truly desire is holiness, and a transformative encounter with God’s mercy will allow the inhabitants to find the ultimate fulfillment of their desires.”

Read also:
Pope: We must testify that every human being is made in the image of God

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