A competition for smart people only.  Do you have the courage to test yourself?

Ancient philosophers actually believed that wisdom meant knowledge of the world as a whole. Intelligence is the ability to use this knowledge, draw conclusions and the ability to analyze. Intelligence is easy to measure with an IQ test, but wisdom is difficult to measure.

We have prepared a general knowledge test so that you can check whether the knowledge you have acquired is fairly broad or narrow. It contains questions in many fields of science, from geography to literature and mathematics, to architecture and sports. Suppose the measure of your wisdom will be the result of this test. Are you ready to test your knowledge? We warn you, it won’t be easy.

A competition for smart people only. Do you have the courage to test yourself?

Question 1 of 20

First, the geography question. What is the area of ​​Europe?


Poland Electronic Digital Revolution Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies. What does the future hold for us?

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