A crowd of immigrants at Minsk airport!  “There is a disaster”

According to Belsat data, migrants from the Middle East come to Minsk on planes from Istanbul, Dubai and Damascus. Until recently, flights were also organized from Baghdad, Basra, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah to the Belarusian capital, but after the intervention of Lithuania and the European Commission, they were liquidated ”- writes belsat.eu, which presents, inter alia, a video showing the crowd of migrants at Istanbul airport.

The pictures below show the situation at Istanbul Airport.

Author: screenshot belsat.eu

The crowd of migrants will also be at the Minsk airport, one of the readers informed belsat.eu.

You cannot imagine what is happening at our airport, more specifically in the transit area. There is a disaster. Nobody knows where the airport chief is looking. As you can see, he doesn’t care about Covid-19. Migrants without masks lying everywhere on the ground. Even in the international arrivals hall 3-4 (on the ground floor) next to the cabins of the border guards. Even the border guards are shocked

– Reader wrote the belsat.eu portal.

Read also:

Thousands of “tourists” in Minsk. Who are they and where are they going? A disturbing novel by a Belarusian citizen. On the other hand, there is a video on TikTok that encourages immigration

Network interview. Marius Kaminsky: Lukashenka and Putin will lose this war. We must be prepared for any situation.

The account “Polityka on the Web” displays some video materials on Twitter, appearing in social media in Arabic. It includes both those who encourage people to come to Poland and those who discourage them.

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