A historic second round: Who will lead the UDA between Pierre-Luc Brillant and Tania Kontoianni?

The suspense surrounding Sophie Prégent’s succession is far from over. At the end of the first round, a voting process was launched for the first time in the history of the professional union to determine who will succeed the president of the last 10 years, actors Pierre-Luc Brillant and Tania Kontoyanni.

Pierre-Luc Brilliant

Photo Archives, QMI Agency

Pierre-Luc Brilliant

Pierre-Luc Brillant (32.4%) and Tania Kontoyanni (32.9%) received the most support – Michel Langevin and Sylvain Massé were also in the running – after the first poll held recently, meaning they have been designated presidential candidates. For this historic second round. 50% votes + 1 is required to be appointed as Grand Manito of UDA.

Tania Kondoyanni

Photo Archives, QMI Agency

Tania Kondoyanni

A second vote is scheduled for April 4-6 and the new president will be known on April 7.

Note that 29.7% of the 8,578 active members eligible to vote participated in the voting. For the first time, a First Nations member was allocated a seat. Charles Buckle-Robertson was elected.

UDA Board of Directors for 2023-2027:

Genre Actors-Actresses

  • Eloi Archam Baudoin
  • Olivier Aubin
  • Pierre-Luc Brilliant
  • Annette Carant
  • Tania Kondoyanni
  • Michel Laperriere
  • Sylvain Massey
  • Sophie Pregent
  • Lily Thibault

Genre singers-singers

  • David Busiers
  • Charlotte Cumberbirch
  • Love France

Category Animators

  • Frederick Bastian Forrest

Genre Dancers-Dancers

  • Kathleen Greco
  • Yannick Moison

Quebec Regional Division

  • Marie-Eve Cambio
  • Jean-Michel Girouard
  • Annabelle Pelletier-Legros

Toronto Regional Chapter

A member of First Nations, Métis or Inuit

  • Charles Buckell-Robertson

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