A mysterious wall at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.  It may be the oldest in Europe

Stone wall Its length is 971 meters Located on The bottom of Mecklenburg BayApproximately 1 km from the German coast. It was located by scientists using multibeam sonar aboard a research vessel during a student cruise, about 10 kilometers offshore.

After a more detailed analysis of the named discovery “blinkerwal” (“Flash Wall”), scientists have determined that the approximately one meter high wall is collapsible With 1,400 small stones connecting 300 larger rocks.

The structure changes direction as it approaches heavier stones, suggesting that the smaller pieces were placed intentionally rather than emerging as a result of waves or a moving glacier. The entire wall is estimated to weigh more than 142 tons.

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The archaeological sensation is located 21 meters below the surface of the water, but researchers believe it was built On Earth by hunter-gatherers more than 10,000 years ago.

The wall at the bottom of the Baltic Sea was probably once used for fishing. It is about 10,000 years old

Although the purpose of the “flash wall” cannot be clearly proven, scholars suspect that it served as a road. For hunters to herd reindeer herds. Most likely, on the other side, it was limited by a lake or another structure, now invisible, buried by sand – suggest scientists in the journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.”

– When animals chase, they follow these structures, and do not try to jump over them. The idea is to create an artificial bottleneck using the second wall or shore of the lake, he explained in an interview with The Guardian. Jacob Gersen z Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research in Warnemunde.

See: Krakow. Archaeological discovery in Wawel. The Piast Ring may be up to a thousand years old

If the lake or swamp version turns out to be true, it means the wall pushed the game into the water, where hunters armed with spears or bows lurk in kayaks.

“One of the earliest examples of hunting architecture”

If the structure is an ancient fishing trail, it was likely built more than 10,000 years ago and sank with Sea level rose about 8.5 thousand years ago.

– This makes the “Blinkerwall” one of the oldest known examples of hunting architecture in the world It is probably the oldest man-made monumental structure in Europe – Scientists discuss in a scientific journal.

Jacob Jersen plans to revisit the site to reconstruct the landscape and Searching for animal bones and artifacts resulting from hunting, Which may be buried in the seabed around the wall.

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