a test.  Basics of biology.  Kids know the answers to these questions, do you?

a test.  Basics of biology.  Kids know the answers to these questions, do you?
Author: Pixabay
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How much do you remember from your biology lessons? Thanks to our test, you can check if it is not wasted! You will find questions from several sections. We ask about the structure and classification of plants and the human body. Kids know the answers to these questions, do you?

a test. Basics of biology. Kids know the answers to these questions, do you?

Question 1 of 10

Meristem to:

A quiz is a type of entertaining intellectual entertainment that involves posing a question in the form of a question in such a way that the correct answer can be deduced based on the information provided with the question and general knowledge. The question should be phrased so that the answer is not completely obvious, as the game actually involves guessers discussing the various possibilities and eliminating those that do not meet the conditions specified in the question.

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