a test.  Check if you passed the 2022 math test. These tasks are the basis for accumulating at least 30 percent of math!

a test.  Check if you have obtained a GCSE in Mathematics.  These tasks are essential!
Author: shutterstock

Matura 2022 in Mathematics is one of the biggest challenges for students who are taking their matriculation examination this year. This topic keeps many high school graduates up at night. Is there really anything to be afraid of? Are the tasks that appear in the Bagrut exam really difficult? We suggest you check yourself in our test. You have 10 questions that will allow you to determine the state of your knowledge of mathematics.

Mathematics is considered by many to be one of the most difficult exams of maturity. However, she also has a fervent following who finds her simple and logical. The truth is that there is a lot of material to be learned before the final exams. And this year though Matura 2022 In mathematics, due to the limited scope of requirements, the core curriculum should be easier than in previous years, but not everyone seems reassured.

See also: Matura 2022 in Mathematics. You must be able to pass the test [WYMAGANIA PROGRAMOWE]

Matura 2022 in Maths at a basic level will be held on Thursday, May 5th. Not much time left to learn. If you want to check your current level of knowledge, we invite you to take part in our test. We have prepared for you the tasks that can be found in the matura test. If you are preparing for the test it will be a great review for you and if you have already passed your GCSE you can check how much you still remember. Will you be able to answer all the questions correctly?

a test. Check if you have obtained a GCSE in Mathematics. These tasks are essential!

Question 1 out of 10

Price x of commodity is reduced by 20% and price y is obtained. To restore price x, the new price y must be increased by:

Dariush Kulma reveals the certainty of his math exam in 2021. See how these tasks are calculated!

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